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Clones and Implants - enhancements

Rolled Out
#1 - 2014-06-13 20:40:34 UTC
As an update to an older proposal of mine, I wanted to bring this back up for discussion.

1. Ability to jump clone within the same station without destroying a jump clone if one is already present
Skill: Infomorph Bio-Management (Rank 8)
Desc: increases the number of jump clones able to be stored in a single station
Bonus: Increases the number of Jump Clones allowable in a single station by 1 per level (Note: Does not alter the total number available of Jump Clones provided by the Infomorph Psychology skill)
Prerequisite: Advanced Informorph Psychology 4
This allows further use of cloning services and further use of varied implant setups. Increases pilot options. It doesn't increase power projection across distance.

2. Ability to swap clones within w-space.
Either from a POS Clone Vat bay or a Rorq clone vat bay. These are possibly the most underused POS mods and capital mods in the game.
Note: this is not to clone jump out of w-space or back into w-space. Only to swap clones within the clone vat. All other jump clone timers/rules apply.
This has been requested numerous times over the years because wh combat gang compositions change rapidly depending on who you might be fighting or expecting to fight, and/or what effects the wh you're planning a fight in has. Jumping out to some empire location, to the JC, possibly on the other side of the universe from the location you found then slow boating back means that JCs aren't used to their full potential by worm players. This also offers added targets of interest in wormhole space as roaming groups could potentially destroy several high value clones by destroying an online clone vat bay.

3. Ability to alter the implants plugged in, both to jump clones and the existing "active clone."
This could be accomplished through the use of a skill (similar to reverse engineering) granting a % chance to succeed at removal of the implant in a functional state. This same skill could be leveraged to harvest implants from corpses.
Skill: Infomorph Augmentation Recovery Rank 8
Desc: Offers a 2% chance of salvaging implants from clone corpses or currently active jump clone
Bonus: Increases the chance of recovering implants by 2% per level
Prerequisite: Cybernetics 4 & Biology 4 & Nanite Operation 3

4. Clone implant harvesting (see #3).
A reason beyond the meta (bragging/trophy) to collect pod corpses.
Allows for additional gameplay options for battlefield salvagers
Could offer an interesting market possibility in salable corpses, corpse recovery services, scamming possibilities that in turn offer their own risk/reward etc.

I'm right behind you

Iain Cariaba
#2 - 2014-06-13 21:18:03 UTC
1. No. Make a choice on your clones and where you put them.

2. No. For same reason as 1 with the addition of you take your risks to earn your reward.

3. No. Implants are one of the isk sinks to keep the contained economy of the game from imploding due to hyper-inflation. Find an economist to explain why this is needed, they can explain it better than I.

4. No. See number 3.

Your last thread died cause no one took further interest in it. Respect the dead and let it remain rest in peace.
Rolled Out
#3 - 2014-06-13 21:36:54 UTC
1. We currently make those choices. For a group, say living in 00, who owns a station(s) why shoudln't they have control over cloning services in those stations (not that I would necessarily limit it to 00 stations but that's a possibility). Why is expanding the number of clone options a bad thing? Furthermore, why are further clone options with additional implants a bad thing?

2. After living in 00 for a while (and whs for a lot longer) it is readily apparent that there are people who will fly in whatever pod, zero fucks given, others who like to min/max on ship setups+implants, and others who fly without implants at all. In the first case, those pilots won't likely care because "zero fucks given". In the second case, those pilots will now be more likely to undock in specialized implant (reward) setups thereby risking their destruction (risk). For the third group who fly without implants at all, this might incentivize them (at the risk of destruction) to use some implants on various clones simply because options are nice. How is this not filling your critique of "risk/reward"? More pods undocking with implants (reward) at the increased risk of destroying more implants (risk).

3. I know about isk sinks and understand LP is a sick. However, I believe that the increased number of pods flying around with implants in them (backed up by even more clones with implants in them) will offset the small number of implants reclaimed via harvesting. First pilots have to scoop the corpses. Second, there has to be implants in the corpse. And third, there's not a high percent chance of harvesting any implants from a corpse. All in all - I don't think that this would have a noticeable negative effect on the implant market. In fact, I think that in conjunction with points 1 and 2 there would be a net increase of implants sold, not fewer.

The last thread died after some features were implemented that bore some close resemblance to some points. It's quite possible that people looked and said "Oh something like this is already coming/here".
And I've made, what I believe are relevant, changes compared to the last thread (such as: removed things that were in line with actual features implemented as well as tweaked some of the other points in ways that I think would offer value).

I'm right behind you

Gully Alex Foyle
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2014-06-13 21:39:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Gully Alex Foyle
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Implants are one of the isk sinks to keep the contained economy of the game from imploding due to hyper-inflation. Find an economist to explain why this is needed, they can explain it better than I.
Yeah, but CCP could nerf incursions to compensate. Everybody would love harvesting corpses, with a 10% or so max chance I see no significant downside. EDIT: everyone except the Arya chick below me, apparently

I cba to research it but I bet it's mostly a programming issue if it's not an in-game feature yet.

Other 2 points I don't know, makes sense to have 'logistical' downsides to living in wspace. On the bright side, at least you get to play with the Dusettes, no?

Make space glamorous! Is EVE dying or not? Ask the EVE-O Death-o-meter!

Arya Regnar
Darwins Right Hand
#5 - 2014-06-13 21:42:14 UTC
1. No, don't want another skill just for that.
2. No, maybe once we can transport clones.
3. Hell no.
4. Noooooooope

EvE-Mail me if you need anything.

Rolled Out
#6 - 2014-06-13 21:48:34 UTC
Arya Regnar wrote:
1. No, don't want another skill just for that.
2. No, maybe once we can transport clones.
3. Hell no.
4. Noooooooope

Such constructive, much critique, wow

Perhaps you could expound on your "totallly verbose" /s response there
1. I'd be ok with/without a skill attachment (but CCP is kind of married to tying features/abilities to skills
2. Why would transporting clones make or break this?
3. Why not? AS I've already mentioned, the % chance to succeed at this is pretty damn low. If anything this will spur additional purchase of implants from LP stores boosting that market (contrary to most of the complaints that harvesting will kill the LP market for implants).
4. Same as #3. So long as the chance is sufficiently low what harm could it pose?

I'm right behind you

Ray Kyonhe
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2014-06-13 22:28:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Ray Kyonhe
Alundil wrote:

3. Ability to alter the implants plugged in, both to jump clones and the existing "active clone."
4. Clone implant harvesting (see #3).
A reason beyond the meta (bragging/trophy) to collect pod corpses.

There is a problem with those. Implants are one of the ways to vent out isk from the game's economy currently. They are expendable, and to buy them from LP shop, you pay in isk aside from LPs. And you lose it quite often, so its quite efficient mechanic. This proposal, despite being awesome, will increase the inflation rate of isk.

Survey/voting system inbuilt to the game client: link_Reforming corp and taxation system: link_New PvE content (reward collective gameplay): link

Rolled Out
#8 - 2014-06-13 22:51:50 UTC
Ray Kyonhe wrote:
Alundil wrote:

3. Ability to alter the implants plugged in, both to jump clones and the existing "active clone."
4. Clone implant harvesting (see #3).
A reason beyond the meta (bragging/trophy) to collect pod corpses.

There is a problem with those. Implants are one of the ways to vent out isk from the game's economy currently. They are expendable, and to buy them from LP shop, you pay in isk aside from LPs. And you lose it quite often, so its quite efficient mechanic. This proposal, despite being awesome, will increase the inflation rate of isk.

Thank you for the compliment. Again though, I have to ask if the number of implants bought increases by more than 10% (as I believe it would) due to increased usage (and destruction) on multiple clone sets would that not offset the very small number of implants recovered

I'm right behind you

Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2014-06-14 04:43:23 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:
1. No. Make a choice on your clones and where you put them.

2. No. For same reason as 1 with the addition of you take your risks to earn your reward.

3. No. Implants are one of the isk sinks to keep the contained economy of the game from imploding due to hyper-inflation. Find an economist to explain why this is needed, they can explain it better than I.

4. No. See number 3.

Your last thread died cause no one took further interest in it. Respect the dead and let it remain rest in peace.

Actually, number 2 could be cool, because as it is, its very hard to get a group willing to devote time to pvp in wormholes because of the inflexibility in operable assets in all but the most established groups. i mean, hsi whole thign was "you cant jump out or into wormholes with them", so i see no reason to NOT have it, just means you can fly other ships since youll have other implants.
Rolled Out
#10 - 2014-06-14 06:06:07 UTC
Gully Alex Foyle wrote:
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Implants are one of the isk sinks to keep the contained economy of the game from imploding due to hyper-inflation. Find an economist to explain why this is needed, they can explain it better than I.
Yeah, but CCP could nerf incursions to compensate. Everybody would love harvesting corpses, with a 10% or so max chance I see no significant downside. EDIT: everyone except the Arya chick below me, apparently

I cba to research it but I bet it's mostly a programming issue if it's not an in-game feature yet.

Other 2 points I don't know, makes sense to have 'logistical' downsides to living in wspace. On the bright side, at least you get to play with the Dusettes, no?

Yes I get to play with the Dusette ladies. Can't go wrong there.

I'm right behind you