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Balancing Feedback: Assault Ships

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Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#961 - 2012-01-20 05:25:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Prometheus Exenthal
Stukkler Tian wrote:
you are right it doesnt help my argument but im still bringing it up because its awesome.
on a side not what is the thorax vs vega matchup for t1 frigs and afs.

Aside from very niche situations, pick a navy/pirate frigate and pick the appropriate AF target.
You'll find that many of those T1 frigates do pretty well against the ideal AF opponents.


State Protectorate
Caldari State
#962 - 2012-01-20 05:32:01 UTC
Takeshi Yamato wrote:
Tsubutai wrote:
This would basically kill off soloing in anything bigger than a frigate and make attacking tackle inties off a gang a *very* dicey proposition in another frigate (miss your first slingshot and congrats! you're dead in the water with hostiles inbound!)

I understand your concerns. I have to agree somewhat as well, it's a very strong bonus. Let me explain the reasoning behind it though.

The current usefulness of interceptors is limited. Great for getting to their target quick and holding a long point on someone but not much else. I think everybody will agree that they're underused despite being good in their niche.

If you were to make them sturdier to the point where they can go into web range and survive for some time, they would become too similar to AFs.

If you were to increase the optimal on their warp disruptors they would become too similar (or even surpass) the Keres. That is unless damps suddenly become useful and good.

If you were to increase their web range, they would become too similar to the Hyena.

So what approach can be taken to make them more useful? That's how I came to warp scrambler range bonus because I don't think that generic buffs (more hitpoints, speed, targeting range, maybe a slot, etc) would change the situation.

Maybe you have better ideas that you want to share?

250% bonus to damage for combat interceptors. leave ehp as is.

get in. destroy your target. get out. the longer the engagement the less chance you have at winning, making them all or nothing ships.

Hirana Yoshida
Behavioral Affront
#963 - 2012-01-20 06:10:11 UTC
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
Aside from very niche situations, pick a navy/pirate frigate and pick the appropriate AF target.
You'll find that many of those T1 frigates do pretty well against the ideal AF opponents.

Now where did that ugly form of argument last rear its head .. aah, yes: During nano-age and Failcon debates.

Nano is fine,L2P, because it can be countered by Rapier/Hugginn or a bunch of H.neuts!
Failcons are fine, L2P, because they can be countered by snipers!

Here is something you might want to know, Rock/Paper/Scissors expanded to cover something as wide as Eve needs more than a few in each category to work .. otherwise the system breaks down.

But meh, the blog is out so Devs are already at the pub celebrating their work .. "Eve, Reserved for AF/BC pilots" all aboard!
Stukkler Tian
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#964 - 2012-01-20 06:39:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Stukkler Tian
I would rather fight a zealot or vega with my rifter than any of these new afs. However looks like its to late to change anything now they are just making it worse, Retribution with 7.5 tracking was really hoping they would move all the other af tracking bonuses down to at least 5. Thats eve if you don't like it ***** till they change it if they don't change it adapt if you cant adapt start bitching again. I have done my bitching now im going to try and adapt.
Prom its nice to know the guy I argued with the most flys and understands frigs, and was not just a total 0.0 blob leech. Although I suspect an ulterior motive for you pushing this thing so hard. Personally I hate flying AFs they are ugly and clunky, brawling interceptors are much more my style.Cool The next few weeks are gonna be expensive.

Ps. the ab cepters are very capable of holding a cain inside scram an neut range 80% reduction in propulsion jamming makes it almost impossible to neut off the scram.
Bent Barrel
#965 - 2012-01-20 07:54:46 UTC
Hirana Yoshida wrote:

"Eve, Reserved for AF/BC pilots" all aboard!

this ... exactly covers my oppinion at the moment ...
Bent Barrel
#966 - 2012-01-20 07:58:10 UTC
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
Stukkler Tian wrote:
you are right it doesnt help my argument but im still bringing it up because its awesome.
on a side not what is the thorax vs vega matchup for t1 frigs and afs.

Aside from very niche situations, pick a navy/pirate frigate and pick the appropriate AF target.
You'll find that many of those T1 frigates do pretty well against the ideal AF opponents.

except that the cost ratio is reversed. navy/pirate frigs are as expensive or more expensive than AFs while the thorax is much cheaper than HACs.

Aurelie Severasse
#967 - 2012-01-20 10:03:06 UTC
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
I can't get on Sisi to confirm but;
  • The Enyo had the extra 200 armor removed, and is now back down to 879 base.
  • The Retribution tracking bonus has been increased to 7.5%
  • The Jags base cpu has been bumped up to 170 (+10) and base shields up to 833 (+200)

  • Yeeeeee

    So the Gallente ship, which Prom insisted was not a wtfpwnmobile, gets prenerfed (again) and the Winmatar ship gets buffed.

    Why do you hate us, CCP? Couldn't we have had something nice, for once?
    Marian Devers
    Rage and Terror
    Against ALL Authorities
    #968 - 2012-01-20 10:16:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Marian Devers
    Hirana Yoshida wrote:

    My final take;
    Back to drawing-board and don't even mention any sort of bonus before this pesky question has been answered: What is their role?

    Hirana Yoshida wrote:

    "Eve, Reserved for AF/BC pilots" all aboard!


    Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
    My point was that there are people complaining that their significantly cheaper T1 frigates won't be able to compete with the significantly more expensive ships in the game. No ****.

    This is the exact reasoning Dramiel pilots used when nerf discussions occured: "I should be able to kill everything because my ship costs 100kk".
    Atomic Heroes
    #969 - 2012-01-20 11:16:24 UTC
    Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
    I can't get on Sisi to confirm but;
  • The Enyo had the extra 200 armor removed, and is now back down to 879 base.
  • The Retribution tracking bonus has been increased to 7.5%
  • The Jags base cpu has been bumped up to 170 (+10) and base shields up to 833 (+200)

  • Yeeeeee

    Why is it always something or nothing? Enyo gets 200 hp; Enyo loses 200hp ! There was no other number that possibly made sense ! It couldn't have had 73 extra hp perhaps? Or 49? Or 116? What about 92? I have a whole other bunch of numbers between 0 and 200 I could choose, but I'm hoping you might be able to work them out yourself Lol

    For the love of God, stop being so binary about this stuff !
    Takeshi Yamato
    Ministry of War
    Amarr Empire
    #970 - 2012-01-20 13:02:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Takeshi Yamato
    Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
    I can't get on Sisi to confirm but;
  • The Enyo had the extra 200 armor removed, and is now back down to 879 base.
  • The Retribution tracking bonus has been increased to 7.5%
  • The Jags base cpu has been bumped up to 170 (+10) and base shields up to 833 (+200)

  • Yeeeeee

    I'm on SiSi now and can confirm it.
    Kraschyn Thek'athor
    Gallente Federation
    #971 - 2012-01-20 13:41:38 UTC
    Highslot on Vengance is rather useless, most people will fit an 200mm AC on it.

    An 5th missile launcher slot would be nice, additional medium slot would be appreciated, one more low would be great.

    Since we have never feared the rocket launcher....
    Stukkler Tian
    Brutor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #972 - 2012-01-20 13:57:10 UTC
    um fit a vamp or a neut, know your roll
    Hirana Yoshida
    Behavioral Affront
    #973 - 2012-01-20 14:50:44 UTC
    Stukkler Tian wrote:
    um fit a vamp or a neut, know your roll

    I have been trying to get whomever cooked up this concept to let me know what their damn role is since the beginning but so far no luck .. its a grab-bag of attributes with very little focus.

    What should have been done was move a Retribution slot and add damage bonuses to everything .. the extra slot is going to come back and bite the balancing peon in the arse with a vengeance (hint: SiSi is crap for determining what happens in the wild, ref: Dramiel, projectile-buff et al.

    By the way Devs, might want to look at when the current AF BPOs were acquired by their current owners and if it was a long'ish time ago then remove them from game .. if on the other hand they/some were acquired by CSM members and/or their affiliates within current term then scrap this idea and do the work yourselves (I know its tedious, but you are getting paid for it).
    Stukkler Tian
    Brutor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #974 - 2012-01-20 15:05:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Stukkler Tian
    This guy did not strike me as a person who knows what he was talking about so my comment was more the real world your dumb dont talk kind of know your roll and less eve" your roll is heavy tackler." It does still apply. If the new role is as a heavy tackle under webs and neuts then its very important to fit a vamp, Its also nice in solo pvp the vengeance recharge makes it so you can A) run your active setup for days or B) neut the other guys rig off. ccp has done a good job with setting a role just the unintended consequence is afs becoming wtfpwnmobiles for anything smaller than a cruiser.
    Zaine Maltis
    Innsmouth Enterprises
    #975 - 2012-01-20 17:23:39 UTC
    the unintended consequence is afs becoming wtfpwnmobiles for anything smaller than a cruiser.

    Oh no, T2 'Assault Frigate' > than 'T1 Frigate'! Surely this must be wrong! Shocked
    Stukkler Tian
    Brutor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #976 - 2012-01-20 18:10:02 UTC
    If your acting like the AF in its current form is some helpless and broken ship your an idiot. If your argument is yes AFs are good already they should just be better then I cant really argue with you. This is because we have fundamentally different views on what constitutes fun in pvp. I like facing off against a equal in a ship with strengths a weaknesses to avoid and exploit.(the patch will damage that) Others like to face down superior foes acting like a thorn in its side until with the help of a few friends the behemoth can be killed. (thats totally acceptable and the new afs will be great for this) However you strike me as neither of these people my guess is your idea of fun is pressing f1 and waiting for the explosion.(congratulations this patch is for you)
    John Nucleus
    24th Imperial Crusade
    Amarr Empire
    #977 - 2012-01-20 18:16:33 UTC  |  Edited by: John Nucleus
    I get the feeling the Retribution will still remain a subpar choice.

    One of its bonus is only there to make its weapon system viable, other AF have a bonus that improves theirs. If laser were a better weapon system than the other it would make sense but it's not. In other words, the Retribution will only have 3 bonus and not 4 like other AF.

    The role bonus suggest it should use MWD but using MWD gimps its capacitor which it needs more than any other AF just to fire its guns.

    Now buff every other AF with an extra slot and the Retribution really false behind.

    My suggestion:
    Fix energy weapon so it doesn't need the Cap Use per level bonus anymore. Apparently that was done a long time ago to stop other race from using them because they were a superior choice. There aren't anymore.

    Give it a fun 4th bonus like all the others, like some more Optimal for example.

    Just drop the 5th high utility slot for a mid. The retribution optimal bonus suggest it should use range to fight, I'm not sure what was supposed to go there in the first place.

    For the role bonus, I'd like something that benefits it, not just something that benefits some very particuliar role that not many people are going to use the Retribution for anyway.
    Prometheus Exenthal
    Gallente Federation
    #978 - 2012-01-20 18:18:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Prometheus Exenthal
    Marian Devers wrote:
    Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
    My point was that there are people complaining that their significantly cheaper T1 frigates won't be able to compete with the significantly more expensive ships in the game. No ****.

    This is the exact reasoning Dramiel pilots used when nerf discussions occured: "I should be able to kill everything because my ship costs 100kk".

    The difference was that AFs were still garbage at the time, unable to compete, and the Drameil did every role better than the best of the ships. It was much faster than all the interceptors, tanked more than most of the AFs, tracking better than the best trackers, had more range than everything but the Harpy & Slicer, used no cap, and served as a better ewar platform than the EAFs.

    They were the quintessential "get out of jail free" card, and it was exceedingly difficult to catch and kill them with anything, including other Dramiels. It meant people needed to gimp their ships for everything EXCEPT killing Dramiels.

    The difference between the Cruiser-HAC matchup and the Navy/Pirate/Destroyer-AF matchup is that you can jump in one of those T1 ships within a week and you'd be a pain in the ass. They take next to no skill points to fit and fly, and are very effective. In order for one of those T1 cruisers to have a chance not only do you need the experience to know how to kill a HAC with a Cruiser, but you also need the skillpoints, which in the end means you've got the skills to fly a HAC instead if you wanted to.

    AFs are already way better than T1 frigates, and wipe the floor with them.
    Their role is not to primarily kill frigates. They are big game hunters.
    The changes make them better at the latter, but their effectiveness against base T1 frigates remains unchanged. T1 Frigates have always been smoked by AFs and this doesn't change that fact.

    We already have a role of ships designed to counter Frigate support, and those are Destroyer hulls.
    They work really well, and are still extreme threats to AFs.

    The argument is a hollow one, largely because you can fit anything better than a T1 frigate and use them to counter frigates.
    Fit a T1 Cruiser with a big tank & small guns and you've got a better ship to kill frigates AND destroyers with. Heck, an AB-fit Stabber is just as fast as an AB AF, but it's cheaper, has more damage, tank, & agility. Nerf the Stabber?

    Anyways, if you actually tried these ships on sisi and took on some Cruisers, you'd find that the fight is anything but push button receive killmail.

    Pulse lasers have the worst tracking of every close range weapon system. Without that tracking bonus you can't even imagine hitting other AFs @ close range, nevermind drones. The Retribution has a large capacitor, and excellent cap. Fitting an MWD doesn't gimp the cap as bad as you imagine, and simply means you need to fit a nos if you want to run an active tank (like the rest of the AFs). It's a good ship.


    m0cking bird
    #979 - 2012-01-20 18:51:48 UTC
    Funny thing! Those who agreed with the proposed changes. Have now come to the conclusion these changes are a bad idea. The chat has been around what ships will still be viable after these changes. Answer below...

    These are the ships that may survive, in terms of usage: Imperial Navy Slicer, Daredevil (rail-gun, @ 15,000m) and Dramiel. There will be no need to use Interceptors. Fleet-Amarr, Caldari, Minmatar and Gallente assault ships.

    All CCP had to do was FOCUS on the Retribution and Hawk. Role bonus? Sure! Give assault ships one. More damage? Sure, on every assault ship, with the exception of the Hawk and Vengeance. Going anywhere beyond that was just a terrible idea.

    Hirana Yoshida is correct about eve-online turning into. Battle-cruisers and assault frigates online. That was the fear... CCP has completely ruined arguably the best class in-game. In terms of, "balance". Rock, paper, scissors is over. Bring in the shotgun (assault frigates). You ****** up CCP. Glad to know you haven't changed = ) I'll still be able to blame you no matter what the FAIL (lol).

    John Nucleus
    24th Imperial Crusade
    Amarr Empire
    #980 - 2012-01-20 18:53:29 UTC  |  Edited by: John Nucleus
    Prometheus Exenthal wrote:

    Pulse lasers have the worst tracking of every close range weapon system. Without that tracking bonus you can't even imagine hitting other AFs @ close range, nevermind drones. The Retribution has a large capacitor, and excellent cap. Fitting an MWD doesn't gimp the cap as bad as you imagine, and simply means you need to fit a nos if you want to run an active tank (like the rest of the AFs). It's a good ship.

    I think we are saying the same thing about the tracking, my point was that it should be +7.5% and not +5%. Now that I read that it is now +7.5%, I removed it from my post.

    I'm not too strongly against the MWD role bonus but I would prefer a bonus that benefits everyone than a bonus that benefits only a specific play style. I think it would be a bad design to give a role bonus to a specific module when the role of the ships isn't defined by the module in question.

    That said, I think the biggest problem with the Retribution is that it only has 3 bonus vs 4 for all other AF.