Executive Innovations is Recruiting -- Desolate. Alliance (REKKINGCREW)

Originally established in December of 2009, ENNO is a PVP-Focused corporation living in the southern lowsec regions of Derelik and Domain.
We focus mainly on BLOPs and higher-skill requirement ships, and have access to isk making opportunities.

The alliance is EUTZ, ENNO is US/AUTZ, and our coalition, RC, has people in every timezone, so you won’t be alone in any timezone.

We offer:
Daily activity, cross-timezone
Small to midscale content.
TS & Discord
Small Gang Content
3 Choices of Staging
& More

65 Million SP Minimum
Ability to fly a Black Ops Battleship (Redeemer or Panther)
Capital Alt (FAX or Dread) ((Alternatively, its OK if your main can fly caps if you have an alt that can fly subcaps))
Pass the Security Audit
T3Cs Trained (Loki, Proteus, Legion)
Willingness and ability to use discord and Teamspeak
A not horrible microphone
Have played the game for at least 2 years.
Recent-ish KB Activity
Cyno Alt

Mail me ingame or join our discord: Executive Innovations

Bumping. Recruitment remains open.