Suggestion: The Insurgency state for low and high sec should be visible in an icon next to the sov holder icon, similar to how Sov Null shows TCU, SovHub and Cyno Jamming icons.
Keywords: UI, sov icons, insurgencies
Notes: The underlying system is already in place, it just needs to be used. This would make it easier to see what is going on in the system without having to have other hud elements open or accessible at all times.
Suggestion: Allow a link to corp contracts (so we can drag link to chat).
Keywords: Market, UI, Contracts.
Notes: Currently I can drag a single contrafct to the chat window, However there is not current way to drag a link to show all contracts listed by a corporation into chat.
I have over 100 contracts listed up on my alt corp for public purchaing and I am having to post instructions on how to open contract search and search for my corp name, which is less than ideal and makes for more mouse clicks for the audience it is intended for.
Suggestion: Add the option to increase cursor size and/or change the color
Keywords: ui, eyecare
Notes: It is very easy to “lose” the EVE cursor in lighter backgrounds such as gas clouds and planets with light backgrounds. This problem is exacerbated with high resolution displays.
You wont see this happen anytime soon
Well hopefully they don’t ban me for using yolomouse, because somehow a single guy can program a way to make the cursor bigger but CCP cannot.
Well when its buried in 20 yrs of code and original programmers arent there what can you do.?
Suggestion: Allow us the option to renew contracts when they have a short period of time left (for example in the last 24 hours)
Keywords: Contracts, Market
Notes: As someone that puts up a fair few contracts for the general eve population to buy, my only current option is to end the contracts or wait for them to expire. I am happy to pay the fees, but allow us the renew the contract within its last 24 hours (or any other short amount of time) with the only options available to us are to change the Duration and price. and/or extend the length of time of contracts from 4 weeks to another longer time period.
Hello CCP, these articles will help you play a better game and also create a large player base for you. Congratulations. I ask you if you can do this. ORCA fleet hangar capacity is very low and this makes me tired in mining, I constantly have to change the screen twice. Probably others are having this problem too).Please increase the capacity,THX o7
so 1. 40,000m3 of space… when you condense the ore, you can fit a lot more… 2 its made so when you fill it up, move it to the ore hold.
- there is a certain format you need to make your post @Drusus_Claudius_Nero if you read the OP and many other posts here, you will see how you need to format your idea.
how is 40k not enough?
Suggestion: Balance Micro Jump Field Generators: (1) cloaks and MJFG should be incompatible when fit together, similar to burst jams and nullifiers and (2) MJFG should disconnect drones when booshed and/or count drones towards the number of booshed ships.
Keywords: mechanics, pvp, mjfg, booshers
Note: It is possible to spearfish/hook boosh while invulnerable by warping two booshers 100km off your target in relative warp formation, cloak and fire both MJFGs. The booshes will decloak the ships and fire within the same server tick, making them invulnerable. There’s no counter to stop this, which makes it a poor mechanic.
Drone assist comps are also hugely dependent on MJFG to move around grid, making them extremely difficult to catch and over powered for multiboxers. Overall, these are minor tweaks that retain core functionality while disabling fringe, overpowered mechanics.
The reason why 40k is not enough is that I use multiple accounts and I cannot transfer quickly with about 12 accounts, which causes loss of time and trouble. For example, it would be perfect if the fleet hangar part had an automatic compression feature and it would provide a more enjoyable game.
So botting quicker ok. Um no
Suggestion: Go direct to “Complete mission” page for agents with location services.
Upon completion of a mission, when you open conversation, it doesn’t go directly to the “complete mission” page for agents that have location services. Small QOL would be to give players the option to change this behavior and to go directly to “complete mission” page.
Me thinks most ppl just use them for locators only
An interesting point of view, you think it is appropriate to give bot nicknames to people who use multiple accounts. Then everyone should stop using multiple accounts and use a single account. We are talking about convenience, but you are making us struggle with mouse clicks all day long. Good day, this page is not suitable for me.
Massmultiboxing is cancer. Every single change in the future should make massmultiboxing harder, less convenient and less lucrative. It’s literally killing the game like a drug addiction.
not going to happen. those are accounts paying in RL cash.
as you know you can’t mb on free account - on the same physical pc ofc, but you could use a VM for every client running alpha which kind of require beefed up PC and flexible digits and some cheating.
but i can’t see this approach as being ubiquitous. max 2% of all players playing daily are mboxing at most imho.
i understand the frustration after an encounter with mb gank fleet (with members named the same except the index number 1-20 at the end ). but is it really any different from an encounter with all unique and real players, gank fleet?
EVE is an MMO and we knew what we signed up for when we started to play. hadn’t we?
PS: i play solo and i know it is an disadvantage and i am prepared for the consequences.
Suggestion: Reworking description text on Thermodynamics skill
Keywords: description, thermodynamics, skill
Note: Easier to understand the effects of training the skill
The description of the Thermodynamics skill states that it “Reduces heat damage by 5% per level.” I, as a newbie player, originally thought that this meant I would take reduced heat damage from hostile ships with such weapons. Maybe it could be rewritten along the lines of: “Reduces heat damage taken from overheating modules by 5%.”. Or something similar.
Suggestion: Disable expanders on items that won’t show anything when expanded.
Keywords: ui, inventory, ship info window
Note: Clean up inventory sidebar and ship information window mastery sections.
In the inventory window sidebar, if a ship would display “No additional bays” when expanded, instead disable expanding that ship and remove the expander arrow next to it, to make it clearer at a glance that the main ship cargo hold is the only hold that the ship has.
In the ship information window’s skills/mastery section, if “Filter out acquired skills” is checked, disable expanding and remove the expander arrow from fully trained mastery certificates, since nothing at all currently appears when those certificates are expanded but they still expand to take up a little more space.
There may be other expanders could benefit from similar treatment but none immediately come to mind.
Suggestion: Add ability to disable showing all jump bridges.
Keywords: ui, map, jump bridges
Note: Let players de-clutter the map when trying to view statistics.
In addition to the “Jump Bridges With Access” and “All Jump Bridges” options in the map layout options menu, add a “No Jump Bridges” or “Hide All Jump Bridges” option. The bright green lines of jump bridges can make it difficult to view statistics on the map in alliance/ally sov areas, especially since most other colors on the map are quite muted.