Little things / Small QoL suggestions

Suggestion: Add a Simulate ship button to the ship’s info dialog.
Keywords: ship simulation
Note: now it is a hassle to simulate a ship from the market dialog.

Add a Simulate ship button to the ship’s info dialog.

Now you can simulate a ship if you use the industry tab to get the BPO info dialog and there right click the ship in industry output.

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Suggestion: Add a button to BPO info dialogs to switch between ingredients with/without ME researched levels.
Keywords: BPO manufacturing
Note: When doing spreadsheet work this data is hard to get.

Add a button to BPO info dialogs to switch between ingredients with/without ME researched levels (could be tooltips as well on the individual items).

Now a workaround is to search the BPO in the market and use the info from there.

Another option would be to be able to change the ME research spinners at the top of the dialog.

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Suggestion: Update my buy/sell order by +/- X isk when clicking and dragging my order above my chosen market competitor
Keywords: market, order,
Note: My buy order has been outbid. I’d like to simply drag my existing order above my competitors and outbid him by either a fixed 0.1 isk or a pre-defined amount without having to manually type the order.

On sell orders, the above may work in reverse; when clicking above my nearest competitor my order is amended by either a fixed 0.1 isk or a pre-defined amount.


Suggestion: Search Function for Deliveries Tab

Keywords: search, deliveries, item search, assets

Note: There is not currently a search function for the delivers tab and this renders it useless as well as the possibilities of lost assets if not known (asset safety search needs to be better also to avoid going to stations to check what items are in there).

Side Note: i don’t use this feature because there is no search function for it and many others i know avoid this because of that reason. But i recommend the Deliveries tab and the assets safety search function needs over-hauling. This small change would change allot of things in eve and i believe that it would be welcomed for ease of access to our assets.


Suggestion: Remove/make optional “Start conversation” icon from user list in chat windows, i.e. Local.

Keywords: chat, UI

Note: Recently added speech bubble icon top of character names in user list of chat windows is too easily missclicked when you try just click to get info screen open. I would suggest that whole feature is removed until it can turned on/off from settings.


Suggestion: Split ACL permissions for compression and reprocessing
Keywords: Refinery, Reprocessing, Compression
Note: Granular control over 2 different activities

Split the Reprocessing function in Structure Setup to have 2 entries - one for giving permissions for who can compress, one for who can reprocess (with a tax setting for this one).

Reason: I’m fed up of idiots who can’t understand having a compression-only facility where you aren’t supposed to reprocess, just compress for ease of transportation, and I’d like to just lock out their ability to make stupid mistakes.


Change PI Circles to Hexagon pls? Is this possible?


Suggestion: Change Mail notification icon to sender’s image
Keywords: ui, messages
Note: See an icon of a message’s sender
When I am receiving an in-game message, the notification window (and also most mobile apps that notify me of incoming messages) will show my own image beside the notification text. I already know that I’m looking good, I’d rather see a portrait of the person who sent me that message.


Suggestion: Dont reset the scroll on market window
Keywords: Market, UI, search
Note: Drives market users insane when they have to rescroll down a huge list

Currently when you buy items from the market, it resets your search results to the top of the list in the left panel. I want to be able to search for and click through the entries on the list, choosing what to buy. The problem is if it is a long list of 100 items, the left panel keeps resetting, forcing me to scroll through all the items again as I get towards the bottom of the list. Put in " II" in the search box, and buy all the items you want, and tell me about your experience buying the warp disruptor II after you already bought 50 items.


Suggestion: Fix “show contracts” in info window
Keywords: ui, contracts
Note: “Show contracts” in a player’s info window should show finished contracts
When you click on “show contracts” in a payer’s info window (via the burger menu at the window’s top left), the UI tries to open contracts in progress. Since you usually have no permission to view these, the UI just pops up a “Not allowed” message. This could be fixed by showing the finished contracts of that player as standard behavior.

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Suggestion: Add option to refresh asset window
Keywords: ui, assets
Note: Creating multiple contracts is very tedious because assets only refresh after 5 minutes
Remotely contracting items between several characters is very uncomfortable because assets take up to minutes to refresh. Say you want to remotely distribute a stack of minerals etc. among several industry alts, you have to wait (or force a session change by undocking/docking) until you can split that stack again. Please give us a “Refresh” button in the assets window.

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Suggestion: Low graphics mode
Keywords: gameplay, ui, perfomance
Note: Create special client mode for huge battles activated with one button or shortcut
This mode should remove all models and effects from game leaving only brackets and background (structures could have bigger bracket). This way Eve would have better performance for most of users. This could also have impact on Eve game servers performance - when low on fps, players often spam actions (F-buttons or jump/warp buttons) and flood Eve game servers (when You have 1-2 fps you do not see if button responded for click or not). Raising client performance could reduce this problem.

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i like this idea so long as its not auto refresh because i also love the fact eve runs on very little data usage and a auto function like this would cause the game to request more information and that results in a higher data allocation per month e.g: place a toon in null sec = maybe 30mb a day but if you place the same toon in jita you’ll incure lets say 200mb a day usage

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On another note you actually bring up another good point, auto refresh functions should be added to multiple data refresh points so the user can choose to activate them or not so then its up to the user to allocate his data usage for the game a good example of this would be instant market data updates for marketers and things as well as people who join corps would not have to force a standings update by logging off (id still recommend this though because not everyone would have this feature enabled and if they ever did implement this then by default it would most likely be turned off to present the game in its lowest possible data usage state but yes this should be optional the amount of refresh data it requests).

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yea there needs to be faster ways to simulate ships for example in the market tab one should be able to simulate without having to drag drop or use that small button in the info tab on the top lefthand corner, i find sometimes it drives me nuts trying to find a working “simulate” button.

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Suggestion: Eve ISK Inflation Fix
Keywords: ISK, Inflation, Money, Gambling, CCP, Content,
Note: If CCP took control of gambling in eve we could bring back the gambling sites and this would also resolve eve’s inflation issue (and possible future inflation issues, just edit the % of return and it balances things out, any winner will still receive a massive prize for winning) easy as well as it would provide more in game content for players. (you did well CCP with discovery now implement something we would all love to see returned :wink: )

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As a colorblind pilot, a QOL change would be ability to change the ship and fighter bay selection circle color. Currently it’s blue. But yellow/blue colorblind pilots such as myself cannot see the icon in alot of circumstances so there is alot of micromanagement and risk aversion.


@CCP, the best resolution for colour blindness in my opinion would be for CCP to hire a colour blind programmer who can tell them if it works or does not work, this would be best and i dought it would require them to make changes, a person who see’s in colour would be stabbing in the dark about what colours to use for this ui layering so why not hire someone to write the code from thier point of view.

e.g: someone who see’s in colour might not use pink for example but someone who is colourblind might see that shade very well so it would remove any colour preference on colours used and things because without even noticing it we choose colours that tend to fit well together (ship skin colouring for example), to someone that see’s in colour it would probably look very odd the ui that a colourblind person comes up with id dare say.

Side note: id be interested to see what a colourblind person views as a decent ui for eve.


Suggestion: Channel creator and operators
Keywords: gameplay, ui, chat, channels

Make list of creator and operators visible to all players in channel (maybe in options tab).
Sometimes you want to change something in moderation or talk to channel owner but don’t even know who they are.


Isn’t this what the SHIFT+drag does?

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