⭐ MOONPIRE Investment Bank !closed!

Video games, do not.

If in your eyes, they do, then youve got some really messed up priorities.

I still understand the difference between videogames and the real world. lul

Please, learn the difference.

I’ve said that I do not support trolling in that case. But that is my opinion. You don’t. That is your opinion.

Your posts indicated that you do not.

I dont support trolling either. My posts are always serious.

Hi, all interest paid for last month. thx for trust!

Prorated interest for the month paid out to me, confirmed. Thanks

Отправил 5ккк исок под проценты на корпорацию моонпэир.


Interest for February paid + some players refunded, because of end of investment THX!

This is a Ponzi scheme, don’t invest.

invested in September 10 billion for half a year (then there were term deposits). All paid, everything is returned. Thanks!

Added a new investment model : Skill Injector Investment model :

Interest for march paid.

Is the skill injector model also based on a Ponzi scheme?

Most modern banking systems are nothing more than Ponzi schemes as put to the EU chamber 100 x a year, https://youtu.be/hYzX3YZoMrs?t=7 .

I assume most banks in EvE are too, Only my Eve bank to my knowledge is based on a a different, a system called Bona Vacantia, see here Adeptio Gloriae 2019 Investment Year Begins .

Bona Vacantia still profits on the misfortune of others but they tend to be dead and not coming back so they don’t really care.

Advertising scams in scams, what is this scamception

My investment is not a scam hence lack of forum out rage, a large portion of the funds come from abandoned ISK, it works well.

Ah, abandoned isk, that’s the hallmark of a sound investment program.

Thanks, it went well last year and is doing fine this year.

All interest for april paid. thx

This is a scam pyramid scheme.