We are STA'IN - the rest can JOGON! - EU/US Timezone

-We are STA’IN
-EU and US Timezone.
-Living in Stain NPC Nullsec.
-PVP focused - Small Gang, Camps, Blops plus bigger fleet engagements.
-We are a social group with daily comms and enjoy playing various games.
-The atmosphere is relaxed and non toxic.
-Self sufficiency required but very happy to teach willing inexperienced pilots.
-Various options for making Isk such as Missions, Ratting, Relics, Moons, P.I and Industry.
-Jump freighter support and weekly logistics.

-For any enquiries, stop by our Discord: STA'IN

-Killboard: STA’IN | Corporation | zKillboard


First bump, great team, great atmosphere, come by the Discord to meet the corp.
Look forward to meeting you!!

Recruitment open, lets get this thing rolling.
Come say hi via our Discord. Looking to grow our gaming community and share years of eve knowledge.

Daily bump, lots to do, active daily, many options for adventure. Come by our Discord and say hi and try out Stain NPC.

Bump - can confirm this is a socially focused non toxic corp with a light hearted and humor filled culture.

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Looking for like minded people and offering a more chilled nullsec experience. Come by the discord and say hi.

Very relaxed group, we sit on comms every day and do stuff we feel like doing. great community =)

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Recruiting all Easter weekend, come by our Discord to meet our crew and ask any questions!

Recruitment continues, come by for a chat and meet our friendly bunch.
EU and US players wanted to grow our community.

Recruitment continues, stop by our Discord, check our #about-us page. Reach us back in #public-chat.

Look forward to meeting you!

Come join an awesome and relaxed community :slight_smile:

Recruitment continues, growing every day, we are looking for you and your friend!
UK, EU and US active players, focusing on PVP but also supporting your ways to make some high end isk.
Reach out via our Discord for more details.

Recruiting PVP pilots and those interested in learning within a life in NPC null, lots to do, lots to learn and we are happy to teach.

Bumpy Mc bump face.

Recruitment continues, looking for additional members to join our daily active group. Apply via our Discord, link on the first post ^^

Come check us out if you enjoy accidentally winning fights when you should by rights be an expanding cloud of space pixels.

Still recruiting, looking for additional members to join our chilled team.
Very friendly bunch, we’d like to add more like minded people. Hope we hear from you soon!

Bump of the day, still recruiting! Looking for like minded chilled pilots for PVP and more.

Seeking additional pilots to grow our daily active corp. Apply/Ask questions via Discord link.
Chat to you soon!

Bump of the day, thank you for those who have joined and showed interest, recruitment is very much open. Feel free to drop by the Discord to meet the guys and girls.