Delete This

Delete this

What about this one?

All other things are good i.e. sec status, wallet, NPC etc

@Crix_Drashir I can offer you 30b for this char

Thanks but already got a 31Bn offer.

Can also offer 31b :slight_smile:

What would you be willing to offer for this one?

@Seraph_Nadu 23b

That’s a bit lower than what I’m willing to go for sorry. Thanks for your time.

@Devir_Drakkan 31.5b Yes/no maybe… still working some logistics…

@DeadPool187 Can offer you 35b for this character

Will contact you when I get off work for transaction detail 4pm EST. Thanks.

Let me know if this is still wanted. Will check board and jump on to initiate transfer. Thanks,

Just need you to confirm that you’re accepting the offer :stuck_out_tongue:

Accepting the offer for 35 bil for me.

Isk & Details sent

isk transferred, transferring toon.

submitted transfer. Thanks, safe flying