Location: NPC Station
Wallet: Positive
Kill Rights: No
Jump Clones: No
Remap: 2

High-Asklepian set


Start Bid- 14B
B/O 16B

Is this pilot still available??

yes .

12b offer

13b offer

13.1b offer

14B offer

Hmm, this character was not needed by anyone, and when I earned enough to make at least some kind of bet, he became sharply needed by someone. :smiley:

14.5B offer

accepted. please send isk to Heavy webifier and your account id to send character by in game mail

sadstory D:

Account Info and ISK already sent to Heavy webifier

Please send char asap

Thank you!

Thank you. Transfer Initiated

Character Name: Heavy Webifier

Will be completed after: 8/6/2021 12:14:07 PM

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