
Quite too low.

New laser and smartbomb today.

mail sent

3 new modules and 3 price drops today!

New Estamel dissipation field

4 price drops today

Your contract is up!

3 new price drops today!

and 3 more price drops today

can u set up a contract to me :slight_smile: maybe for 1,4Bil isk? :slight_smile:

and Unit F-435454 Mod. Omnidirectional Tracking Link for 2,8Bil isk? :slight_smile:

I will take the explosive hardner for 1.45b?

Moruk Lap, I have set up both on contract for combined 4,3 bn now - is that ok for you?

Tystya, your offer is much too low.

retract - nvm its not worth it do no boost.

yea thats okay for me, i accept it after Work, in about 4-5 hours :slight_smile:
thanks for your offer and time :slight_smile:

bump for luck

Two more price drops


aaand bump

price drops on cheap Brokara

I’d be interested in Draclira’s Armor Explosive Hardener, but only for 1.25bil, got a buy order up for one on the market atm if you wanna just sell it to that, let me know.