Looking for a place to lay my hat

Hello there Mr. Tamanade.

My name is CaseyLP with Aideron Robotics. We are a new player friendly group and we are quite unique. We are a member of Federation Uprising, the largest Faction Warfare alliance in all of EVE Online, fighting for the Gallente militia.

What makes us unique is that we also hold sovereignty in nullsec, meaning you get the best of both worlds, not only do you have access to all the lowsec resources, quick and easy PVP, FW missions (which can net you 200-300 mil an hour), and other shenanigans, but you also have access to our nullsec territory which can also earn you a lot of money.

What makes Aideron great however is not the money making opportunities. It’s the opportunities you get to learn and grow as an EVE player, and be part of not just a group of players, but a family of capsuleers trying to make their way in New Eden.

Another thing that may make you interested is that while we are a multi timezone group, we have a huge USTZ core and most of our big fleet ops take place during that time.

If you are interested please follow this link to our recruitment post here: Aideron Robotics

In addition I would be happy to answer any and ALL of your questions.

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