I think my corp (Tuskers) could be a good fit for you. We’re a relaxed (no minimum activity levels, fly what you want, when you want etc.) mature solo/small gang PvP. Historically, we were a low sec pirate corp, but we have found more fun living in a Class 2 Wormhole with a static NS & C5 for PvP & logistics/PvE respectively. One of the big advantages we found is that the people we fight never get used to us, which is what inevitably happens in low sec, causing people to run from us almost every time. In addition, there are still quite a few of us who live in low sec - either near Amamake or in Gallente (near Stacmon) low sec.
In terms of gangs, we took out Tech3 Cruiser gang (utilising Black Ops bridges) on Sunday night, killing two carriers (http://killboard.the-tuskers.com/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=150891 and http://killboard.the-tuskers.com/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=150894). Earlier this evening we took a impromptu gang of 8 comprised of corp members + applicants against a 15 man gang. The result wasn’t ideal, but we still enjoyed it! http://killboard.the-tuskers.com/?a=kill_related&kll_id=150993&adjacent=1
Our recruitment ad is The Tuskers - PvP Corporation