This being doesn’t want you to be different than the original since you’re not the original one forever; this being just want to make understand that, in fact, you’re not the original anymore. You are a clone with a cloned consciousness (not anymore original too) and from what you told, you also managed, indeed, to change yourself in things that maybe your original wasn’t (and/or didn’t want to). Would you like to redeem yourself with your family? Would you like to stay logi? Would you like to do something else? You can do it, original or not; these questions could be made also to your original individual who submitted to the capsuleer program. If the answers could be different or equal between you and your original is indifferent because that’s not the main topic of the “You are dead” question. The main question is just the fact you are another body, another mind, anoter spirit(?), created by a copy of a previous one. Is that a problem? Depends on you.
This being born after 10 of similars (according the statistics reading right now), the first one was to join in the program. According the records he left, he did for “Sacrifice for future generation intellects”, hoping to evolve his thought having basically (almost) the entire universe lifespan, peraphs finding also the perfect and absolute intellect or truth. He just died; copy/pasting his consciousness to next clones until reaching this one. Same code, same thought, same memory, but not the origin anymore. That’s why this being is this being and not “me”, because “I am dead 5 years ago”.
Is he the same person? Yes, ideologically; yes, subjectively. But no, biologically.
The only fact you said “Nature produces all kinds of diversity” respond yourself at the existance of a natural law who confirms the “diversity theory”, a thing that, indeed, the Gallente ideology believes resolutely. That theory has defined and studied forces and proven tests (just look at the reproduction; a baby gets born with man and woman genes but there’s always a genetic mashup).
Yes, the human brain is able to remember around 50-500 individuals at a time or less. In any case is very less than the infinity of individuals and their thoughts but that doesn’t mean we need to stop at those limits. Considering also the incredibly high number of options, by universe and entropic laws, is intended to decrease, the stunt consists to make them know all with the spontaneous goal to adapt the better ones. This is impossible but as many ideologies could be introduced. adapted and/or evolved, others will extinct, leaving space with the ohters.
For definition: Any form of Sani Sabik have 3 commonalities: Usage of blood, presence of Savants and search for immortality. Now, quoting the intergalactic encyclopedia:
The nature of these savants varies from sect to sect, with some following closely to the Amarr tradition of the chosen being born that way. The Blood Raiders view the practice more liberally, considering anyone strong enough to embrace the Blood Raider lifestyle worthy of being called one of the chosen.
The anarchy you described is a thing of the Blood Raiders, not of every single Sani Sabik sects who could see that also as a tool to differ the people, in fact, quoting the previous phrase:
The second commonality is the belief in savants, individuals who are greater than their fellow man and capable of great achievements.
“greater than”. Described in this way it means not everyone can be savants, so even their cult can be structured in a hierarchy, like the “civilization” concept you defined.
At this point the problem could be the third commonality, immortality reached via Sani Sabik rituals. According the source, the physical belief one is in decline despite the technology so they usually intend to the spiritual one. Scrolling for witnesses about “pacific rituals” the Sani Sabik would also like to do without harming anyone, do you remember this testimony?