Anchoring structures to prevent spawn of mission item ... EXPLOIT?

CCP is focused on much more important things than Cosmos missions - like making fleet warping prettier on streams and monetizing the NPE.


I returned to the system today and the lab structure wasn’t there. The anchored modules are ‘wetu’ mobile depots fwiw. So there’s no counterplay because those structures have a 2 day reinforcement timer as Destiny mentioned.

Also, fwiw, many of the structures I destroyed yesterday either hadn’t respawned or have been destroyed by someone else since I destroyed them. I’m fairly confident the anchored mobile depots are causing this behavior, but who could know. I suppose I could keep an alt there and log in right after downtime to be sure.

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Escalate your ticket then. We can go round and round and round. GM’s make mistakes, that’s why you can elevate it to a senior.

Actually, what happens when you put mobile depot in place of a destroyed structure? Does it respawn with mobile depot inside it?

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