Capital Ships

not sure you could lock them just to carriers (it would just be strange) but you could bonus them just to carries either in making the base states really low or having a role bonus to the number of uses.(or both)

even without these giving them the 3 sf tubes and actual useful bonuses to them like strength to the ecm on chimera and neut on the archon rather than the useless range. the range on web and point work and the nid and thanny actual get picked for them. again this isn’t a change that will help all that much just a basic change that really should be there regardless. i mean does anyone even use the ECM fighters? they are worse than a flight of EC-300.

i mean the only thing they are effective on is other fighters but at that point you are dropping a fighter to negate a fighter… when a simple mid does the same work

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Yea, they’d have to get useful SF bonuses. Scarabs and Cenos are horrible lol. Even the Dromi is… meh.

Quickest way to fix it would be to take the SF tubes away from supers lol. Not like supers aren’t meant to be supported. Kind of a blunt approach, but it would certainly kill the role overlap.

But if the Scarabs were to get say 3x their jam strength, 5 second duration, 30 second cycle, they’d be useful. Add in that proposed burst jam and they’d be utterly cancerous to anchor inside a logistics blob.

Cenos getting more neut power (make it scale with sig radius if it becomes too op on smaller ships) would fix them, especailly if they had a long cycle heavy neut that they could use to bitch-slap something.

Dromis are kind of tough because they suffer the most from diminishing returns. They’d need something like the Scarab, much greater effect but unable to sustain 100% uptime.

Interestingly, Thannies and Nids would complement each other very nicely (long point, web to get into scram range, scram, TP for the subcaps to murder).

Archons and Chimeras would be horribly devastating together as well. ECM to smash up cap chains, neuts to drain their cap while the chain is messed up.

Downside, that’d pair shield and armor ships with each other lol. Or… maybe upside because now you need shield and armor logi to get really effective results?

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yeah that’s why you go with the TP the webs are mainly used on carries to apply damage. so it fits the role and being minmatar fits the theme. activate the TP on the primary and time your volley. only other option would be upping the power of the web that may be way to powerful. or greatly extending the range for a short time. wouldn’t be as bad but i still think would be to much.

the current neut power of the cenos could use a little buff but not much. they are actually pretty powerful if you have a group of carriers using them and this is where i see an issue with making them stronger. but ting it into sig like the capital nuets may counter act that and let them be buffed. yeah adding an alpha neut would work as well. i would not be against removing support tubes from supers at all. they could use a bit of a nerf there removing sirens and dromis.

Hmm… what if the Dromi got changed from primarily webbing to painting, with a charged web? 50-60% web that could not have 100% uptime. Personally I’ve always viewed webs as more useful than TP, so having webs as their special thing would feel more powerful than a boring 20% web with a killer TP.

T2 Cenos only do 240GJ of neut every 6 seconds… a curse does 1800GJ every 12 (5 med neuts * 360GJ). Granted the curse is purpose-built for neuting, and the carrier is only losing 1 fighter squad to their neuts. Still feels like they could use more… at least 400GJ against a logi cruiser. Especially if they are tied to sig. They’re already going to cripple frigates, so the increased neut pressure wouldn’t change anything there.

they have a 60% web not a 20% web.(it’s 20% per fighter so a full flight is 60 for the t2) so you would just be giving them a hard nerf that they don’t need. TPs are no joke particularly when dealing with turrets and fighters.

and yeah one flight of cenos is meh like i said its in groups they start becoming pretty strong because they can neut hard and they don’t cost any cap to do it. again ting it to sig would help if they were buffed but they are just the sort of thing that is hard to balance do to how they scale.

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actually what may be better if they were given the heavy alpha nuet is keeping them at the same GJs but shortening the cycle time so they can alpha a ship down then keep them down. it would boost them in small numbers while being relatively neutral in bigger groups

DEEERP. Yea at 60% they are definitely fine lol. I’ve never even launched a dromi before, can you tell?

Very much this. Yes. They’d cap out the small stuff the same as they already do, in swarms they’d cap out the big stuff like they already do, and spread out they’d be a lot more useful against larger targets with large cap pools.

they are actually not a bad choice. depending on your target they will actually give you more DPS than the third flight of damage drones. and with SS they can slow cepters down long enough to give enough time for the SS to kill after using the afterburner ability.

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