CCP what is the counter balance for this

If that’s Angemonne then he’s probably mining ice. How many ehp do ice drones have?

Edit: they don’t seem to have any resistances at all, so the ehp is just 450, 800 or 950 for T1, T2 and faction.

Pretty flimsy

You will spend more in Tornados ganking a tanked Orca in highsec since the buff last year. The only way it will be cost-effective, is if you use a large fleet of Catalysts. And by cost-effective I mean not that you will make a profit with that Catalyst fleet, just that you will lose less than the Orca multi-boxer - you will still lose ISK on the deal even if you manage to scoop everything that is dropped. So basically ganking with Tornados helps your opponent more than you by inflicting a greater cost on yourself meaning it is not a viable response.

They are flimsy but also cheap and you will lose your ship to CONCORD and receive a criminal timer. So even if you manage to put together a cheap smart bomb fit or fast locking ship and manage to get five drones before CONCORD explodes you, you will then be sitting in a station for the next 15 minutes doing nothing while the multi-boxer just launches another flight 15 seconds later and resumes mining. You have accomplished nothing unless perhaps you can smart bomb all 100+ drones at once if they are stupidly mining the same thing.

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Thats so funny to read. Please continue and pretend I am not here at all, giggling because the people that blobb the most are complaining about a blobb and how miners are even worse pvpers that blobb-festivals.

They beat your game by not firing a single shot.


Indeed. The game is designed such that it is impossible to beat them. I don’t find that as funny as you, but ultimately I agree with you that it is a no-win proposition for the “blobb” to try to expel this miner from that system.

Actually, that isn’t true. It’s just not possible to beat them economically using force. You can try to out-compete them using the same general strategy, especially if they are mining ice. Fielding your own, larger multibox mining fleet perhaps using Skiffs instead of Orcas to suck up that ice faster and deny them income is a viable strategy. Whether that is in fact good game design, I’ll leave for another time to consider.

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It is just that CCP likes to promote playing with others in fleet, having common goals, or just having alts like some players like it. :wink:

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If they are multiboxing but at the keyboard then that’s mostly ok (orcas are too tanky really, but whatever). I’d guess they were afk, so kill drones in a cheap frig, log in a different alpha (so no timer) and repeat killing drones. You’ll need 15 mins worth of alpha chars before you cycle back around. It’s a battle of who has the most accounts, and you’re using alpha with cheapo frigs, no regard for sec status since no need to recycle characters (even if they ever checked, which they don’t), and I’d say you have a shot at just pissing him off enough to leave your area alone.

And this is the problem I am complain about the whole time. Multi-boxing is an unfair advantage that creates a class system.

The “advertisement” of EvE is that you choose your path, make your destiny and become someone. You cannot become someone, when “you” have this multiple-personality disorder thing going.
May I remind you, how people started noticing me? I always did everything with one character, even though my one account has 2 characters.

They started trusting me because I never have an un-trustworthy reputation. You may believe that you are goodererererer than everyone else because you have a big credit card and do not care so much about anything but your own interests.

I do not need multiple accounts to shoot one or 6 boat, I can do it by myself - as in, the most difficult possible way to do things.

One of the reasons I loathe those dullsec “alliances” so much is that they need much boat to shoot one boat. Like goons, they need 318 boat to shoot one boat.

Back to topic.

I was researching some industry things lately and made a list of numbers that may be interesting to know:

The Endurance swiss- errm mining frigate is one hell of an ice mining ship:

  • you only need 14 minutes and 24 seconds for 15 blocks of ice

For comparison:

  • A Procurer would need 15 minutes and 22 seconds to get the same amount of ice
  • A Retriever would need 13 minutes and 59 seconds to get the same amount of ice
  • A Covetor would need 10 minutes and 29 seconds to get the same amount of ice

The t1 ice mining drone “brings” you one block of ice every 241 seconds.

The t2 ice mining drone “brings” you one block of ice every 221 seconds.

Exhumers are a little different but I don’t have the numbers yet. But you can mine the ice blocks even with a t1 barge much quicker and empty the ice field before any of them Orcas can.

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The easiest and most effective solution (in high sec anyway) is to bump them until they give up and move on. I had to do that to someone in an ice anom a few days ago. This person probably had at least 15 accounts. Something like 8 skiffs, 3 orcas, a freighter, and 3 other ships (Mach, Stabber, etc…) that he/she was trying to use to keep me from bumping. I had this person so tied up with just me bumping them that they finally warped out and moved on. All it takes is a single Mach to seriously jack with someone’s mining op…

You still won’t win. Your smart bomb ships will still cost more than the drones, and even if not, the multi-boxer can just ship down to T1 drones which are dirt cheap. Warping back and forth to the belts and switching accounts will still take minutes, while it only takes seconds to launch a replacement flight of drones. And the best reduction even if you keep one flight from mining via constant harassment you can hope for is 4% of their yield (1/26) at the cost of you sacrificing all your game time and the security status of your alphas.

At best you might make the next system over look more attractive by comparison, but you could equally make mining in that system more attractive to that multi-boxer by amusing them with your pitiful efforts to stop them. Tears are a precious commodity in New Eden, and showing you care that much to go to such effort for basically what amounts to just a nuisance borders on tears I am afraid.

That said, perhaps a very cheap smart bomb alpha clone fit would be useful in dissuading a single AFK Orca from mining. Probably worth looking at closer. Similarly setting up my own multi-boxing mining fleet to go around punishing non-compliant and permit-less highsec miners by “stealing” any ore they be mining might be a useful strategy to complement miner bumping.

As your camp doesn’t get tired to stress how basically any action in this game is PVP, let me suggest a very obvious PVP counter: out-mine him.


CODE crying about miners … the cycle of tears is complete .


I also don’t really get the complaints about this from non-miners. Why do they care if people are bot-mining, when they have no intention of mining the stuff themselves?

I’d just be happy there is a lot of cheap minerals on the market: less ISK needed to replace their ships.

Actual miners complaining about unfair competition, that is understandable.

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Hahahaha… wut?

Because the extra ore they bot-mine drives inflation of the entire market and thus ruins the game for people who play legit, regardless if they mine or not. Bigger picture dude.

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I’m no economist, but in my mind more basic minerals = lower prices = easier to finance combat. Only people who suffer are people who are legitimately mining for profit.

Here’s a quote from an EvEnews24 article that explains it better than me :

"Botting causes inflation because it distorts the isk faucets into the game. CCP has built a pretty sophisticated economy into EVE. Like any economy, it has a money supply. Too much money leads to inflation. Money enters the EVE economy through isk faucets (ratting bounties, mission rewards, NPC buy orders, insurance payouts). Money leaves the economy through isk sinks (clones, insurance premiums, NPC sell orders, sovereignty costs).

_Botting distorts the money supply because it artificially keeps isk faucets open with widespread ratting 23/7. This flood of isk drives inflation in EVE. If CCP curtailed or eliminated botting, the inflationary pressure would drop, even if people continued to RMT. The only “balance” derived from botting is the arms’ race it creates for players and player groups to match the botting and other efforts to keep up with inflation. This is a problem for CCP because it has to deal with offsetting inflation for regular players. CCP could do this by increasing mission rewards and other isk faucets so that regular players can make enough isk to stay interested in the game (buy shiny space toys). But that is a vicious cycle that will ultimately break the EVE economy."

You see, the more bots there are, the more you have to work to maintain your relative “richness” compared to before. If enough people botting can make double the ISK you can in their playtime, your TIME becomes worth half what theirs is. You become poorer by comparison just by choosing not to bot. Everyone does.


I think this is self-evident to anyone who thinks clearly about this situation. Power is relative in Eve and if you give it to cheaters by letting them bot their way to wealth and power, you will lose. It makes little difference if you can afford a slightly better ship or fit because minerals are cheaper if your opponent is botting and can afford to field something much better.

Multi-boxing isn’t cheating though. Such problems as the OP describes are failures in game design, not people violating the EULA: don’t hate the playa, hate the game and all, so while CCP might want to look at this you need to play the game as designed. If multiboxing Orcas is the new meta, embrace it people.

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The problems with the Orcas is that there is little to no difference to an actual bot. The whole purpose of a bot is to generate ISK or gather resources without player interaction. Since the Orca can do this for hours without any interaction they are basically on the same level.

They are not invincible, and you can mess with them. A t1 fitted cat will shred 5 mining drones just fine, no smartbombs needed.

I know they have huge tanks, but we had Orca dunk fleets before and I guess if this will continue to be a thing with this huge Orca fleets, there will be dunk fleets again.

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Yup. If OP wants to pay me the relevant ISK for hardware i will (attempt to) gather the troops and dunk them.

The point is, the more people you have the cheaper it gets. If you can get 40 people into a fleet you should be able to kill them with t1 cats. And the best thing about those masses of Orcas is, you will never run out of content.

I see. So the socially constructive thing to do, when you’re bored, is to load up an alpha and go gank some Orca drones. I wonder what the cheapest ship is that can take out a whole batch of drones.