CSM elections: how exactly do they work?

TL;DR there are different opinions on the type of election system and the way CSM/CCP/players communicate, but most people in this thread agreed:


I didn’t said that CCP should hire the CSM or hire players. I said that companies usually have departments that serve the purpose of aligning company interest with customer interest. The CSM was born as a stunt after a scandal when a developer favored his former ingame buddies. The CSM had to serve the point that CCP co-develops the game with players, which isn’t exactly true and anyway is a moot concept to begin with, since most people don’t know what they want nor what they like and too often their actions are the opposite of their words.


forum “warriors” have spoken :rofl:

Go be a cucumber somewhere else, maybe in your mining missions.

No, it is more fun to read your fantasies about game and players :joy:

Feel free to share your opinion, if you are not just here to try out all the emoji.

I realy do not need your permission to do that, you are just object of my remarks, not a subject at all. :smile:

Is your life so depressing that you have nothing better to do than to spill empty words from your sad little brain?
I pity you.

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