Don’t worry, it’s a “million times more stable now”
PS> Invoke-RestMethod |Format-Table|Measure-Object|Select-Object Count
This will tell you how many routes are up
Don’t worry, it’s a “million times more stable now”
PS> Invoke-RestMethod |Format-Table|Measure-Object|Select-Object Count
This will tell you how many routes are up
million times more stable now
I see what you did there, good job!
I would suggest perhaps querying and storing the meta status route every 60 seconds (x-cached-seconds header is set to 60) and track it over a period of time for each endpoint/routes to see which is the most unstable when plotted on time vs route.
Seems to be gone again, no corp assets or character assets available, or shown to exist here EVE Swagger Interface
Yeah it is down today again. Quite frustrating. Expect it back on Tuesday I guess.
It’s back.
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