jEveAssets 7.9.4 (2025-02-18)

First of all, great application!

One thing seems missing, or I cannot find it: corporation assets. I now setting up invent/manufacturing across several characters within one corp and shifted BPOs and materials there and I want to see them too :slight_smile:

Maybe, but I think it is a bug rather than new feature.
My routine is ; start JEveAssets; run Update to update all tables; do Extracts to highlight and deal any issues; then later check for any outbid information.

I had an assumption that Update updates ALL information in ALL tables BUT it appears that new Outbid information on Market Orders Table is not updated by Update, you have to run Market Orders Update to get latest Outbid information.

I can live with running Update followed by Market Orders Update; Outbid information is a great new tool. :smiley:

It just seems illogical that Update used to update everything ready for start of a new session but now it has an exception?

You need to add a corporation account:
Do note however, to be able to get corporation assets the character you auth with need to be director.

I see your point, but, that is by design. The market update is Its own entry, because, it need to be able to auto update, regardless of what else is going on in jEveAssets. The normal update block everything else, that is not practical for auto update. So it’s a separate process, that works even when you’re doing other things. That same is true for the structure update, but, for another reason, it can take a very long time to complete, so, it’s better to do in the background, so you can continue to use jEveAssets normally and don’t have to wait for the sometimes very slow process. The normal update should be as short as possible, because, you can not use jEveAssets normally while it’s processing.

I hope that makes sense and thank you for your feedback :slight_smile:

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Thanks for a great app!

I use the app to track the progress of my alt trading corp but over the passed few days it is devaluing all my assets in delivery hangars to 0 isk. The assets are all present but strangely it thinks they’re all worth nothing.


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@Freshclips_Stuff have been down for a couple of days. It looks like Its back up now.
But, for reference you can change the price data source in the options:
Options > Options… > Market Data > Source

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Thank you!

Hi, I’m having trouble getting things up and running. I’m on Windows 10 and installed the latest version of Java. When I try to open the app, a window appears very briefly then disappeared.

I must be doing something wrong, but I’m not sure what!

I’ve been searching above, and I think I might be associating the wrong Java file to the app, but I’ve tried Java - gives me the error above. Javaw which gives me nothing and Javaws starts things up but then says cannot open the app.

Well, I’m not quite sure what I did, but using the command prompt and trying lots of the fixes above, I’m finally up and running :slight_smile:

Good job fixing it yourself :+1:
The discord server is the best option for support, if you run into any problems again.

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jEveAssets 6.4.0 released

New Features:
-Customizable colors
-Colorblind friendly color theme
-Tracker: Edit the order of generated routes
-Tracker: Added Logarithmic scaling (linear still default)
-Tracker: Remember selected owners between restarts and updates
-Added ToolTips to Outbid $/Outbid #/Market Details columns
-Added SUM of selection/column to the table menu
-Duplicate filter entries
-Warning levels for updates
-Added update warning for missing corporation roles
-Improved setting dialog GUI on ubuntu
-Serve html response on SSO callback url instead of redirecting to

-Updated to routing 2.0.0 and graph 2.0.0 (both now support generics)

Bug Fixes:
-TaskDialog move a tiny bit when showing/hiding errors
-Stockpile import had never ending loop of asking what stockpile to import
-Made Stockpile text import more resilient to crashing (BugID: 800)
-Made MarketLog import more resilient to crashing (BugID: 823)
-Made Xml reader more resilient to crashing (BugID: 822, 821, 820, 819)

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Thanks, I will pop over there if I need any more assistance. I still have to access through Command Line, but | feel all clever doing that so all is good :slight_smile:

Thanks, this App is very good !!!

It would be even better if the It had a cell where I can enter how much PLEX each character have !!!

There is already an issue for that:
Add a :+1: reaction to the original post to vote for it.

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since eve server-restart no update of jEveAssets is possible any more :frowning:


EDIT: Turns out it just ESI that is on fire.

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oh seems like ESI-Server is offline?!

Often seen on patchdays. They could turn it off for a day or two to avoid external factors in their assessments. Though, usually they mention it in release announce.

Don’t give CCP ideas! Days with ESI blackout would not be great! :laughing:

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it worked before but now I have this error, I cleared the esi and this appear can someone help me?

please, send me a bug report:

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just wondering if anyone else was having problems with authorising?? i can log into the authorisation screen but the authorisation buttin is gray and nothing happens when i click it