jEveAssets 7.9.4 (2025-02-18)

Doing: Update > Update... from the menu will close your orders.
Doing the update in the market orders tool will not close your orders, it will only update the orders while they’re active.

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Thanks! That worked!

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I have been wondering, is jEveAssets affected in any way by the vulnerabilities discovered in log4j earlier this month?

The short answer is no.
If you want more detail you can check the issue for it: Log4j / Log4Shell v1.x / v2.x vulnerabilities · Issue #292 · GoldenGnu/jeveassets · GitHub

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ESI > IDs to Names
Error Code: 503
{"error":"The datasource tranquility is temporarily unavailable"}

Is this to be expected ATM?

Is there a way to check the change in specific asset values between two ESI updates?

For example:

  • Total asset value on Day 1 = 100b
  • Update all ESI endpoints two weeks later with zero change in assets
  • Total asset value on Day 14 = 110b

In this scenario no assets have been added or subtracted, thus the change in total asset value is entirely a change in reported prices of assets. Is there a way to track changes in asset pricing by update interval at the level of individual assets?

Not currently.
There are a couple of issues for features like that:

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That was due to part of ESI being down.

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jEveAssets 7.1.0 released

New Features:
-Added CLI for exporting table data (Issue #270)
-Tool tabs can now be rearranged by dragging the tabs (issue #298)
-Tool tabs can now be reopen with [ctrl|command] + [shift] + t (issue #298)
-Make a Add button in the Reprocessed tool (Issue #297 - contributed by Inoruuk)
-Added Output Name column to the industry jobs tool (Issue #294)
-Hide stockpile from stockpile menu (Issue #300)

-Change character/corporation selection in the AccountImportDialog to a ComboBox
-Allow manually enabling the account import workaround

-Updated slf4j library to 1.7.36
-Updated logback library to 1.2.10
-Updated jfreechart library to 1.5.3
-Updated LGoodDatePicker library to 11.2.1
-Updated sqlite-jdbc library to
-Updated EvalEx library to 2.7

Bug Fixes:
-Updatable didn’t check for skill updates
-ItemsWriter saved base price as double, ItemsReader expected long
-Made SingleInstance handle headless mode
-Possible fix for ClassCastException in StockpileItemDialog (BugId: 995)
-Possible fix for publicMarketOrders cache time being incorrect

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jEveAssets 7.1.1 released

Bug Fixes:
-Unable to export default filters
-Can not reset columns
-Fixed number formatting for CSV and HTML export
-Exporting from the GUI did not use the filter and column options
-Fixed export and filtering for formula and jump columns
-Added option to exclude formula and jump columns from the CLI
-Force valid separator/column options when exporting from the GUI

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Hi bud,

jeve assets not updating since 09/03/22, all accounts linked to the profile had ‘Update skipped: Waiting for cache to expire’.

Have updated the auth to all accounts, unsure how to clear cache or help it expire.

So, It’s a little unclear to me what is not updating.
If It’s just the Accounts step, then don’t worry too much about it.
It only able update once every 24 hours, and only really matter if a character changes corporation.
Waiting for cache to expire is not an error, It’s warning, letting you know that no new data is available in ESI, so, the update was skipped (instead of getting a cached result from ESI, with data we already have).

If that is not the problem, please email me the logs: How to send Bug Reports

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As a trader with 30+ alts, the authorization login + email 2FA is a royal pain and for some reason it only lasts a month or two and I have to do it all over again on each PC.

Is there a way to backup the authorization or generate the codes it asks for? does nothing.

Welcome to OAuth2 application grant flow. With 30+ accounts, you just amplified the pain.

Also, email 2FA is not exactly secure, especially since CCP don’t have an option for OpenPGP encryping the emails.

I would suggest Aegis (Android) and/or KeepassXC (desktop) for TOTP 2FA, CCP I don’t think support FIDO U2F keys.

(GitHub - beemdevelopment/Aegis: A free, secure and open source app for Android to manage your 2-step verification tokens.) and
(GitHub - keepassxreboot/keepassxc: KeePassXC is a cross-platform community-driven port of the Windows application “Keepass Password Safe”.).

The authorization only expire if you do not update for 30 days. So, as long as you update (Update > Update..) every 14 days or so, the authorization should stay valid. A few other things can invalidate the authorization; changing the account password and revoking the jEveAssets grant

getting a 404 here when i try to update… anyone else?

All the ESI assets endpoints have been down for the last 24 hours. This is a CCP issue. They are aware of the problem. So, all we can do is wait for CCP to fix it…

Citation required.

In some cases the 404 is because the actual route doesn’t exist any more in the OpenAPI spec. See my post on it here Https://{character_id}/assets/ returning 404 - #4 by Emotional_Support_Clown

We have passed word to the community team via partner discord, they haven’t returned with any news on it, but, they are aware of the problem.

There is no endpoint for /assets in the actual JSON OpenAPI specification that defines it. In order for that to happen, it would have to be intentionally removed.