👁️‍🗨 League of Gentlemen [INIT.] | Est. 2003 | Null/Low Sec Based | EU/US TZ | Enlisting Experienced Pilots | Activity +++

If you have the Monday blues, head over to Log Pub today so we can brighten your day!

If you dont suffer from them, come over and persuade us as to how Monday is not the worst day of the week!! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Once more unto the breach (anoms!) :crazy_face:

Recruitment Status: Open :slight_smile: Check us out !

Recruitment Status: Open, come check us out :smiley: Ping me on discord to learn more!

Recruitment Status Open, see what LOG can do for you, JOIN our discord today!

Recruitment Status: Open but selective, check us out :smiley:

Recruitment Status: Open :smiley:

Recruitment Status: Open, come check us out :smiley:

yes, we are in fact still recruiting :smiley:

Recruitment Open BUT (Selective). pew pew pew :wink:

Another Sunday, another brawl. Pewpew and cearbearing all in one fine mix.
If you are intrested in PVP, null sec, FW, or into industry, please come by LOG Pub to fine out more.

Recruitment is open, but very selective currently.

Recruitment Status: Open but very selective. Regardless please feel free to join our discord or in game pub channel to learn more about us, Init, etc. Stay dangerous!

Recruitment Status: Open but selective. Check us out :smiley:

Well you have made it to Friday Capsuleer, and for that, you should be proud.
Now, get out there and kill some 5h!T, get podded and then try again!

Recruitment open, more selective than usual, ie, dollars, not candy, and the feet pics need to be good to :crazy_face:

Recruitment is open sun beams!
I would say drop by LOG Pub in-game but well emmm CCP things :slight_smile: But they are working on it, flogging the hamsters more vigorously than usual, we are assured :see_no_evil:
Reach out in-game if you want to find out more, Discord links will be provided.

Recruitment currently closed for the time being.

And we’rrrreeeeeeeee bacccccckkkk!!!

Recruitment is now open again. There will be some new SP and ship skill requirements from now on.
Specific details provided during recruitment enquiries.

Having a great time in Fountain. Come join us.

We are open for business again, looking for social dudes!

Its raining, aren’t we all glad we play digital spaceships instead of going outside and getting wet! :cloud_with_rain: :rocket:
Recruitment open, no brolley required! :closed_umbrella: