Suggestion: Right-click option “Search in Assets” for items in hangars/cargo/info window/market lists/market pages.
Keywords: UI, right-click menu, assets, search, search assets
Notes: Figuring out if you have assets is quite frustrating because it involves so many steps and clicks. Being able to search for an asset from your hangar, chat links, market pages, contracts etc. would improve this a lot because the search is now only 2 clicks away.
Right click and “Find in Personal Assets” already exists in hangar and chat links. Market and Contracts pages require an extra click: first show info; then click the “…” overflow in Show Info; click Find in Personal Assets.
Make possible to repair modules in corporate divisions in stations (office).
inventory, mechanic
Now it allows only to repackage items inside, but not repair. Some players use corporate hangar divisions to store their personal stuff, like in one-man corps, so having repair ability would be a win-win improvement.
Suggestion: Use m3 mined instead of units for AIR mininig challenges or quests
Keywords: AIR challenges, missions quests, mining
As a Ice miner, i found difficult to complete AIR mining challenges cause the counter only sees units and not the effective m3 of ore mined. The same difficulty could be found mining minerals with Lower uints/m3 as Arkonor/Bistot etc.:
Can be easily changed?
Suggestion: Set keys to assign single drone to the active target
Keywords: drones, missioning, combat
With a 1440p monitor (and, i think, with higher resolutions) is difficult to assign single drones to current targets. Could be very useful to have the possibility to assign combinations of keys to give orders (attack, salvage, mine) to single drones active atm.
For example in a salvage situation, could lock 5 wrecks and assign with CTRL+(1…5) a possible active drone to it.
increase character limit of bookmark labels in right-click menu
ui, menu, bookmarks
Current limit is 25 characters, but the menu could comfortably accommodate 50.
There’s already a 36-character string in it:
Show Solar System Map in Map Browser
Longer strings are autogenerated by the client and show their full length, e.g. in the Anomalies sub-menu is this one at 42 characters:
Small Arkonor and Bistot Deposit (CCC-142)
Seems kinda trivial but I would actually get use out of longer labels in the right-click menu. Yes, I can see full labels in Locations or Local Locations, but this 25-character limit just seems arbitrary and could probably be easily increased.
Suggestion: PI Larger objects and Next Object button
Keywords: PI
Can we change the size of the objects in PI or can they be highlighted in some way, they are too small compared to the size of the planet. Also can we have a Next Button which would cycle through all your objects on the planet which you have placed round the planet.
Suggestion: Ability to change view of camera when holding D-scan button.
Keywords: ui, camera, D-scan
Note: When you hold the D-scan button (Spacebar) and you press in the probe-window on anything, the camera will not adjust when solar-map is closed.
I requested this small change multiple times throughout the years, and as I believe its overlooked, I thought I post it in this topic.
I actually filled it as a bug, but I am not sure if it is a bug or not EBR-11390
When you hold the D-scan button (Spacebar) and you press in the overview on anything, the camera will nicely adjust and point you in the direction of what you pressed.
This does NOT happen, when you press in the (detached) probe-window pressing an anomaly or signature. (when the solar-map is closed)
It does change your camera, when the Solar-map is opened, but not when the solar-map is closed.
I prefer the solar map closed as it takes quite a portion of my screen.
This helps when I hunt and want to look in the direction of targets in anomalies & signatures, it creates better understanding/orientation of my surrounding 14 AU and in which direction a certain anomaly/signature is at.
I believe this has to do with by default the probe-window being “attached” to the solar-map, requiring the solar-map open for the camera to pan in the right direction.
Please allow the camera to pan in the direction when I have the solar-map closed.
I can’t code, but I can imagine this would be a small tweak.
This is specific to holding the D-scan button and wanting to look in the direction I press, as the C button for “look at” doesn’t work at all when pressing in the probe window. (regardless of having the map open or closed)
C only works on the overview, while D-scan works in both overview & probe windows (if solar-map is open)
Thanks in advance!
Remove duplicate and/or abundant expressions in NAME and TYPE columns in overview for all the assets.
hud, interface, system, database
To increase the accessibility of information we must use only reasonable amount of info. Abundant data makes it harder for users to swiftly “perceive” the environment.
As logic dictates, TYPE should be a generalization for all NAMES.
As a quick example, with NPCs, we could leave NAME values in their current state and re-write only TYPE, which should represent the size of the hulls - Cruiser, Battlecruiser etc.
Bring back column “separators” to the overview.
hud, overview
Separators helps users to adjust the overview with much greater comfort than as if doing it “blindly”.
For someone this “blankness” may look stylish, but we sacrifice efficiency for it.
Personally, I don’t feel this is a fair trade.
At least, option could be introduced (under GRAPHICs) to appeal the most of audience.
Give users options to regulate (i.e. decrease) the brightness of “space background” textures.
graphic, low-spec, sun
We have amazingly beautiful space backgrounds, which does look good from everywhere… except from the cockpit of the spaceship. I heard, real aircraft pilots wearing the sunglasses (maybe, for the reason).
Having too much brightness on the screen brings unnecessary obstruction when in combat.
It does look good in any other moment, though.
So, best solution could be an introduction of some “tactical filter” which addresses the brightness issue.
SUN in low-spec settings:
Improve readability of DRONE INTERFACE window by introducing dedicated indicators for drone’s current behaviour programme.
hud, interface
Drone interface window in its current state conceals the drone’s activity (idle, return, fight) if its WIDTH is minimized.
Respective WORD is tightened between drone name column and HP bars, as we can see in picture.
I propose to make 2 changes:
- Replace current WORDS of activities (=idle, return, fight) with either coloured squares (of red, yellow and green) or shortened abbreviations (=IDL, ARM, RET)
- Make this “activity” column always be visible notwithstanding of the current WIDTH of drone interface window.
Please, observe how it’s hiding important info with minimized WIDTH:
Now, if WIDTH is slightly wider, it starts to show off:
These coloured boxes could save tons of space if implemented:
- ARM (fighting)
- IDL (idle)
- RET (returning)
All 3 above very good suggestions, UI Devs seriously should take a look into these! Thank you @John_Lawyer
In the map window have the search bar be able to be moved and locked to a new location on the screen.
Map, Map search bar
Basically just a QoL change, not sure how many people would find this useful, much like the ability to enter moving mode for messages. I have found that it gets in the way of my overview and other always on top windows so Im sure Im not the only one affected.
Suggestion: Ability to see which ships are insured in quick glance.
Keywords: ui, ships, window
Note: A small logo in the bottom left of a ships icon representing it being insured.
Currently, I rename my insured ships adding a * infront of the insured shipname.
Would it not be great to see straight away which ships are insured?
The above example image shows a little yellow sign, as the past teached us that capsuleers have issues looking at red dots
Not sure if it’s a good idea to use space of SHIP ICON, because it could get “full” very fast.
However, an extension to existing filters could be a viable solution, IMO (when user could just filter out insured ships):
Move rotating 3D model of planetary facility to a different place or remove it completely.
ui, pi, graphic
For some users, this 3D model do possess the aesthetic value and certainly has the right to be in place;
but, at the same time, it is concealing almost all of your planetary facilities.
What do you think about moving it (maybe resize and attach to INFO window below?) off the FRONT position a bit? Or remove it completely?
We need to hold off on any PI requests as there is some overhaul rumored as being in the making by CCP Shanghai studio. Perhaps it will be a part of one of the two big 2024 EVE Online updates possibly tying in with EVE Vanguard major patch in June’24 introducing new map and persistence. Who knows, maybe it will bring some PI interaction to EVE Vanguard?
Optional colours in the Neocom.
I still have to go by position and it takes longer to recognise what I want than when the buttons had colours.
Pin items in cargo
UI, inventory, cargo, pin
Useful for commonly used cargo items
When I’m in combat and have a bunch of loot in my cargo, it can sometimes be hard to find my different ammos quickly, it could be useful to be able to pin them, or other items to the top of the list.