Looking for Corp

Hi Falcon!

if you’re interested in having a little guidance, I think you’d be a great fit for us. I run a training corp out in nullsec, in Provibloc (which is a great place for new[er] players to get their feet wet in nullsec). We specialize in providing you with the resources you need – however much or little hand-holding you like; if all you need is some tips and fittings to get you pointed in the right direction, that’s great! – to get you established.

My alliance is made up of some of the best pilots I’ve ever known. Great people, really nice to work with. No toxic garbage on fleet comms, just generally a great place to live.

If you want to know more about what we can provide, check out our ad:

and if you have questions, hit me up on our Discord: Akadeimia Keipouron SVK.

Welcome to New Eden! I’m looking forward to working with you. Fly safe!


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