Null Alliance All Rounder Corp "AVRAE" Recruiting All Time Zones

lol what he said ^^^^

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Silence peasant, it puts the lotion on the skinā€¦

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P-ZWKH true sec system -1.0 Great for mining and ratting!
*Come Join today! get that ISK rolling! Great buyback program in place !
*Moon mining is true thing and we do it come join in on the Good Moon goo!
*Whats that ? u said PI ? yep thatā€™s here to :smiley:
*Join our in Game cht channel - AVRAE Recruitment
*US/EU/NZ/AUS TZ folks all welcome

The lotion they offer is very creamy. After 4 days of non-stop mining my skin has never been smoother. Highly recommended corp if you have dry/combination skin!

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The only mystery in life is why the kamikaze pilots wore helmets.

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Day 9 - I think someone saw my message! 3 brave heroes managed to get past the guards, and ran to the sun. The guards at the gate gave chase, and it opened an opportunity. I made a break for the gate when the coast was clear, only to have my fellow miners report me immediately. I thought to myself, ā€œThey canā€™t all be brainwashed can they?ā€. Clearly they are. After dispatching one of the heroes, the guards caught up with me at the gate and quickly destroyed my Hulk, and podded me, sending me back to the station for a new mining ship. I knew this was going to mean trouble, and I was right!

Instead of using SRP to replace my hulk and send me back to the asteroid belt, I was handed my new ship along with orders to begin jet can mining, my new personal guard will take care of everything else. I opened my inventory to find new Venture, equipped with a Higgs Anchor. My new ships top speed is approximately 30 meters per second. They canā€™t possibly think this will keep me from trying to escape! Then when I warped to the asteroid belt, I found the rest of what they had done. While I was reshipping, they had bubbled the entire belt. Now in order to escape, I will have to move at 30/ms until Iā€™m out of the bubbles, before I can attempt to jump away. As if that wasnā€™t enough, my ā€œpersonal guardā€ is in a Rorqual. He is taking all my ore and compressing it, so it will be days before his ore hold is full. I have to figure out a new plan.

Also, word around the system says that corporation leadership has gotten word of my last message for help. I am awaiting my punishment, although I donā€™t know what could be worse than my current situation.

Please, if anyone is getting this, send more help! I may be alone here, Iā€™m not sure the other miners would escape if they could. I will definitely need more than 3 pilots to assist me next time, and I still need to figure out what to do about the ā€œguardā€, heā€™s always watching.


P-ZWKH true sec system -1.0 Great for mining and ratting!
*Come Join today! get that ISK rolling! Great buyback program in place !
*Moon mining is true thing and we do it come join in on the Good Moon goo!
*Whats that ? u said PI ? yep thatā€™s here to :smiley:
*Join our in Game cht channel - AVRAE Recruitment
*US/EU/NZ/AUS TZ folks all welcome

Real decent group. Everything was taken care of to join and get the ball rolling. For those new to Null / havent been out in null for awhile this group is a fantastic way to ā€œsafelyā€ get your legs back under you out there 11/10 :stuck_out_tongue:

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Just joined this corp and it is awesome so far

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so kinda brand new to the game only been playing for the past few days doing the career agent stuff. No idea what null means or is. but from what ive been reading the corporation looks interesting. as for my on goals have no clue what i wanna do yet except i dont think i enjoy mining.

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To be honest, I donā€™t think anyone ā€œenjoysā€ mining. Its a means to an end. If there is something you want to do in the game, it requires isk. There are a lot of ways of generating isk, but in my circumstances, I prefer manufacturing, which in turn requires minerals. I could buy those minerals from miners, or I can mine them myself while I have nothing else going on. Which allows me to keep more of my profits, and invest in more things to blow up.

Null security space essentially means that Concord ā€œThe space policeā€ wont come save you if youā€™re attacked. There is no law, besides the ones created by players. There are fights, wars, battles, and a whole lot of nothing going on most of the time (depending on where you are). There are very few people around compared to High Sec, and you generally know whos friendly and whos not. For those of us that have been in the game for years, Null Sec is where we really feel safe.

If you are brand new to the game, I would explore, try different things, do some research, and discover what it is that you enjoy doing. Maybe you want to be a pirate and attack haulers, maybe you like combat sites, maybe you will decide you like the manufacturing, or any of 1000 other ways to earn money in the game. After youā€™ve done that, find a group that does the things you enjoy. This is one of the few games where you really can do whatever you want, and if you work at it, you can usually find a way to profit from it.

If you decide you want to chew on rocks all day at some point, get in touch with the leadership here. They really do seem like good people, and from what Iā€™ve seen they are very helpful to the new players (from what Iā€™ve seen in my 10 days here so far).

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oh i mainly come onto this post since this group seemed to do a mix of activities thats why i showed interest but if they only looking for miners then ill head elsewhere

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P-ZWKH true sec system -1.0 Great for mining and ratting!
*Come Join today! get that ISK rolling! Great buyback program in place !
*Moon mining is true thing and we do it come join in on the Good Moon goo!
*Whats that ? u said PI ? yep thatā€™s here to :smiley:
*Join our in Game cht channel - AVRAE Recruitment
*US/EU/NZ/AUS TZ folks all welcome

Day 10 - Leadership is definitely onto me! I was awaiting my punishment, but I think they realized I have some potential. They noticed all the attention that my messages were bringing to the current situation. They offered to treat me better if I can gather some more slaves, I mean recruits for the asteroid fields. As if I would ever subject someone to what Iā€™ve been going through.

On a side note, they did give me back my hulk, and they removed the bubbles on the belt. The rorq is still there, always watching, but he seems nicer today. I fell asleep for maybe an hour, and when I woke up, there were just messages telling me to get back to mining. I wasnā€™t in the station in my pod, awaiting my SRP, like normal. Maybe things are beginning to turn around? Only time will tellā€¦

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Greenhorns said I had to go bump the forum or heā€™s ganna tell everyone where I hide my Quafe Ultra Special Editon.


P-ZWKH true sec system -1.0 Great for mining and ratting!
*Come Join today! get that ISK rolling! Great buyback program in place !
*Moon mining is true thing and we do it come join in on the Good Moon goo!
*Whats that ? u said PI ? yep thatā€™s here to :smiley:
*Join our in Game cht channel - AVRAE Recruitment
*US/EU/NZ/AUS TZ folks all welcome

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woke up this morning and made my bacon sandwich started eating it and headed to my pod to enter my ship did the normal checks ship looked alright checked my ā€œiskā€ balance and damm the days before work had really paid off the mining i did and forwarded to the corp had sent me my pay * it was a sweet bit of isk* and them damm drones i had been killing well them bounties were amazing the wallet was even heavier than the day before and a even sweeter bonus was the ess yeah baby isk isk isk some fool comes into the system and boom they are dead if they dont run away fast enough ive enough isk to be able to get this typed for me why would i type when iā€™m making enough isk to get someone else to do it
o the life of a rich isk maker
join today
mine and earn isk
kill rats and earn isk
pvp and earn isk
Earn real isk join today
They are friendly and very helpful
Able to help you move from hi-sec to null-sec
want it made ask
join today


If at first, you donā€™t succeed, failure may be your style


P-ZWKH true sec system -1.0 Great for mining and ratting!
*Come Join today! get that ISK rolling! Great buyback program in place !
*Moon mining is true thing and we do it come join in on the Good Moon goo!
*Whats that ? u said PI ? yep thatā€™s here to :smiley:
*Join our in Game cht channel - AVRAE Recruitment
*US/EU/NZ/AUS TZ folks all welcome

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This is a great corp helped me a lot when I joined with free ships and advice, so come along and join a great team.