Utari's Puppies (Formerly Off-Topic Thread)

This here is high quality punning.

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Aria the ultimate authority on puns now? Aria kidding me?!

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Any person subjected to a pun gets to be an authority on whether it’s any good, Che.

Rating’s usually given in groans.

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Anyone who thinks any pun can ever be ‘good’ has forfeited any right to judge or make them.

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Please excuse this On-Topic post :upside_down_face: …but I’m quite a bit pleased with the success of this self-moderation effort. :thumbsup:t3:

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I self-moderate so hard I barely post anymore. Does that mean I’m winning?


Trying to be sober and sensible does seem to lead a lot to … well. Not saying stuff.

I kind of miss just speaking my mind about whatever. Not sure I’d trade, but…


Main reason i rarely post…


I’ve not tried being inebriated and reading the IGS, maybe I should try it

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It’s about the same, only slightly more confusing and hilarious/depressing.


I’m really bad at using this forum’s features, so this is a response to Veikitamo’s very long response to my theory about cultural subsumption.

You seemed to respond to quite a few concepts that I never explicitly brought up or argued for, like unqualified democracy, consumerist materialism (a very amusing assertion, coming from a hedonistic businesswoman whose home is more or less a fucked up version of a pleasure den), and, of course, the Federation itself, because every ethnic Mannar must adore the Fed, right? Why assume I’m some Gallentean stereotype when you know me enough to know that I’m not?

I suspect we’d agree on more than you think.


Cuz it’s funny?


A goon inviting us all to stereotype freely… you sure love ■■■■■■■ with fire, Arrendis.

Then again, knowing you, you’re probably the propagator of a fair number of “goons are mouth-breathers” stereotypes. I don’t know how you put up with them.


Goons are a bunch of freaking mouth-breathers. And most Goons will tell you that. Nobody hates Goons like we do.


Oh I don’t know.


You appear to be making the assumption that I’m making the assumption that you’re a stereotype. I am unsure where I made any direct accusations of that. I was however illustrating the differences in what I see as my own cultural experience compared to that of the Federation.

As for what I do in the privacy of my own home, I see no correlation to what I regard as the spiritually empty experience of consumption purely for the sake of consumption. What I do in my home is the very pursuit of spiritual fulfillment through the aesthetic expressions of my own deeper, unconscious volitional drives. A refinement of my emotive and intuitive desires through the praxis of instinctual action.

It has nothing to do with materialist longings for me.

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It’s a Biko Ché argument.


That’s an inference, love. Not an assumption. I inferred you were stereotyping me because you brought up and critiqued these completely irrelevant stereotypically Gallentean ideals while talking to a ‘Gallentean’.

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It’s only inference if you establish my motives with evidence. You have only asserted a motive so far. Which is an assumption.

I brought up Gallentean liberalism as an ideology counter to the cultural principles of the nation since the tenets of individualism and rationalism are at odds with collective identity and the spiritual fulfillment of communitarian ideals in an outlay of thoughts about Caldari cultural notions.

It’s not a stereotype if Gallentean liberalism does espouse individualism and rationalism, so I’m not sure what your point here is.

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You don’t have to deal with us in fleet comms. I’m sure Trii can tell you how much I want to murder them all.

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