Hey @Solomon_Gengod
Would you like to come give lowsec a try?
Here at Filthy Peasant’s we’re a lowsec/npc nullsec US TZ pvp corp that lives in the Solitude region. We’re primarily a pvp corp with some industry and trade to utilize the resources we own in the region. If you want to pvp but also have time to pursue other things we’d be a good fit for you. We’re an RL-first corp without any activity requirements as we believe your time is your own.
All we ask is that you participate in fleets if you’re available and that you take part in corp communications such as teamspeak 3 and discord. However your time is your own and no one will be upset if you miss an op or have other things to do. We’re a low drama group of veterans who have seen it all in EVE and simply want to enjoy our time doing what we love.
If you’re interested check out our form post and killboard below. I’d love to chat with you in game either convo me or join our public channel Open Filth to have a chat with us. I think we can show you how much fun pvp is without any of the pressure as we all started somewhere.