Hey @ArmyOfMe
So you’re interested in returning the lowsec pirate life? Yarr, we here at Filthy Peasants are the premier peasant tier pirate corp currently terrorizing Solitude. If you enjoy having a target rich environment (few blues) then I think you’d make a good fit here. We pvp/roam through Solitude, Genesis, and Syndicate on a regular basis in the search of good fights and just recently had two weeks of battles against our local frenemies.
We’re a casual corp with no activity requirements and while we’re most active in the US tz during the week we have great cross TZ coverage on weekends as we’re all mostly working adults. There is also plenty of PvE opportunity for your isk needs as we control many valuable moons in the area.
If your interested feel free to convo/mail me in game or join our public channel Open Filth
Killboard: https://zkillboard.com/alliance/99000120/
Eve Post: Low Sec PvP - Filthy Peasants is recruiting