Returning player, time to git gud

Autism Cartel not only has a dope ass name, but it is being led by competent group of vets who are very experienced (some were FCs in the major Null blocks that wanted to get back to their Pirate roots)and got sick and tired of all the neck bearding going on in Eve Online. We small gang, we med gang, we cap fight, we suicide gank, we roam, we war dec, we do everything we say we are going to do and we back it up with out killboard. Most groups tell you how awesome they are than you join and everyone is in a circle jerk the whole time in a station.

Also as for the PI alts, 0% POCOs bro.

Plenty of PVP in all parts of space, but mainly screwing around in lowsec and highsec. If you want to go some where were your voice will be heard and you can affect how we grow with no drama, than this is the place to be.

And we’re goal oriented with the aim to take lowsec space again in the future. It’s nice when you have a goal in the sandbox of eve.

Check out our corp ad for more infor (updates are in the thread bumps :slight_smile: ), hope to hear from you:

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