[SERVICE] lost-in-w.space Public & Private Pathfinder Hosting

Update 2023-10-09

Changes regarding our services

  • none

Public Pathfinder instance news

The public instance pathfinder.lost-in-w.space was unavailable from 2023-10-01 eve downtime to 2023-10-02 eve downtime. The first issues in the form of 403 response codes appeared on 2023-09-30. The exact technical cause of the issue is still being investigated, currently it looks like a regularly scheduled process did not exit correctly and slowly hogged all available resources on the underlying operation system. We adjusted several configuration to prevent situations like these. Sorry for any inconveniences caused. :woozy_face:

Stats since last post (2023-08-02)

Availability: 98.52%
Peak concurrent user sessions 209
Average concurrent user sessions 121

Total users 12057
Total characters 15963
Total maps 2238