Greetings Space adventurer, your next adventure starts here,
Assistant for Tax Fugitives [FUASS] is a community driven, IRL first, ambitious corp who is looking for new and experienced pilots. FUASS can be at war and is enlisted in FW. Our primary mission is to aid the Amarr Empire and protect our homeland from any threat following NBSI rules of engagement. We are proud member of Curatores Veritatis Alliance [CVA] and our home lies within the vast and resource rich region in Providence.
For all those who do not want to be at war or be involved in FW, there is the possibility to join our alt corp Wealthy Tax Fugitives [WTFUG], which makes this corp ideal for newbro’s, industrials as well as be safe for hauling stuff and doing activities in highsec. WTFUG is proud member of The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary [CVAA] and our home lies in Providence as well.
What we offer:
- Low Taxes: We deliberately keep taxes low and this will always be that way, so that more money flows into your wallet.
- Buyback Program: We buy most of the goods directly from you, so you are not obliged to haul the stuff to a trade hub and therefore minimize the risk.
- Joint PvE and PvP actions, from solo to large fleets: Whether you prefer to mine or fight alone or in large fleets, you’ll always find the right action with us.
- Sov 0.0: We offer upgraded systems for ratting, mining and exploration as well as daily R64 moons to mine.
- Productive PI planets: Benefit from our high-yield planets with low import and export taxes to increase your resources and income.
- Developed home and logistics: Enjoy the benefits of well-equipped structures and reliable logistics to haul your goods quickly and easily.
- Guide section and mentors for newbro’s: New to the game? or in 0.0? Our experienced players are available to give you advice and support. We also provide a guide section where you can look up things at your leisure.
- Continuity - our core has been playing for over 10 years: Trust in the experience and consistency of our long-standing members.
- SRP for PvP ships: Lost in battle? No problem! Our Ship Replacement Program ensures that you are quickly ready for action again.
What we expect:
- Alpha or Omega: Every clone status is welcome at FUASS respectively WTFUG.
- SP requirements: We do not have any SP requirements. Everyone is welcome.
- Learning Curve: We ask for willingness to learn and accept advice
- Auth: You agree to allow access to your ESI data to perform standard background checks
- Availability: We ask to be active ingame and be social on Discord & Mumble/TS but RL comes first
- Language: You should speak english and have a working mic
- Fleets: You’re willing to train alliance doctrines and join fleets
- Behavior: You’re not going to cause a bunch of drama
Ingame channel: Fugger-Relations
Discord: Wealthy Tax Fugitives