Sov 0.0 [EU/US TZ] Assistant for Tax Fugitives [CVA] / Wealthy Tax Fugitives [CVAA]

Assistant for Tax Fugitives [FUASS][CVA] is a paramilitary, IRL first, ambitious corp who is looking for PvP- and PvE-focused pilots. Our primary mission is to aid the Amarr Empire and protect our homeland from any threat following NBSI rules of engagement. We are proud member of Curatores Veritatis Alliance [CVA] and our home lies within the vast and resource rich region of Providence.

Our alt corp Wealthy Tax Fugitives [WTFUG][CVAA] cannot be at war and isn’t enlisted in FW which makes this corp ideal for newbro’s, industrials as well as be safe for hauling stuff and doing activities in highsec. WTFUG is proud member of The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary [CVAA] and our home lies in Providence as well.

What we offer:

  • Low Tax
  • Buyback Program
  • Regular fleets
  • Sov null, upgraded systems for ratting, mining and exploration
  • daily R64 moons
  • Skillplans & Guides
  • Ship Replacement Program

What we expect:

  • Alpha or Omega (WTFUG) / Omega only (FUASS)
  • no SP requirements (WTFUG) / min. 5m SP (FUASS)
  • some PvP experience
  • willingness to learn and accept advice
  • allow access to your ESI data to perform standard background checks
  • be active ingame and be social on Discord & Mumble/TS
  • you should speak english and have a working mic
  • you’re willing to train alliance doctrines and join fleets
  • you’re not going to cause a bunch of drama


Ingame channel: Fugger-Relations
Discord: Wealthy Tax Fugitives

still recruiting

We are still looking for capsuleers who want to take part in glorious battles.

Are you ready yet?

Bump Bump

Come join us and get action. Fun fleets almost each day :slight_smile: