🐺 - Speaker for the Dead - NPC Null SEC - Gallente FW

YouTube: www.youtube.com/@stayferal291

Join our discord: Stay Feral

Speaker for the Dead is a tight knit group of active PVP pilots. We do everything from small gang, capital fights, blops and 100+ man brawls. We are not afraid to fight outnumbered and focus on having as few blues as possible. Our group is about maximizing fun and content!!

We base from NPC Null sec which allows us to focus on fun and fights rather than SOV mechanics. We do not believe in mandatory ops or dictating how you enjoy the game. Real life comes first!

We do individual pilot Gallente FW which give us access to even more PVP opportunity and LP.

You’ve probably seen a hundred different ads for PVP corps in EVE. Like the others we can offer the following:

• Lots of locals to hunt for PVP content.
• Group PVE Fleets/Pochven fleets.
• Black Ops.
• Capital warfare.
•Fleet sizes from Nano gang to large 100+ fleets
•Corp and Alliance SRP programs.
•Loot, mineral, ice, gas buy back programs.
•Alliance level logistics.
• We take most fights that come our way, we are not afraid to fight outnumbered, content is good!!

The corporation is open to pilots of most skill levels, but we’re especially looking for the following:

  • Pilots interested in small to medium sized PVP who aren’t risk adverse.
  • Jr. FC or People with FC experience. We have pilots, but we need more content finders!!
  • People not afraid to fight outnumbered, the best battles are the ones hard fought.
  • Pilots able to fly at least 1 doctrine ship and willing to train more.
  • Pilots interested in capital warfare.
  • Self sufficient is desired.
  • Mature, functional microphone, background check required.
  • PVP experience

Speaker Killboards: Speaker for the Dead | Corporation | zKillboard
Alliance Killboards: Stay Feral | Alliance | zKillboard

For more information on Speaker join our in-game public channel “Speaker Recruits“, contact Doughboy61, or join our alliance public channel “Stay Feral”. We can also be reached on our discord: Stay Feral


Bump, looking for great folks

Bump, looking for pvp pilots who wa t to have good fights!!

Daily bump, 3 new folks yesterday!!

Corp and alliance is growing nicely.

Things are moving in the right direction

Got a few new recruits, looking for more good folks

A lot of great content for players.

Looking for bloodthirsty low sec pilots

Things are about to heat up!!! Big plans

Looking for pvp oriented pilots

Recruitment is up!!

Good time to join Corp!!

Content heating up!!!

room for more folks, join now, big things happening

Good time to join, lots of old and new faces

More people
Joining everyday!!!

Join lots of fun

Activity increasing, great time to join the corp

Lots of new faces, this is great!!