STGIS - Surreptitious Technologies - Part of Shadow Ultimatum Alliance and Imperium!

We still recruiting! Looking for new corps and members to joint he Alliance!

We still looking for new CORPS and Members! We are SHADO - We are family!

Bump! We still looking for new peeps and corps :slight_smile:

Bump, we still recruiting and looking for new corps!

Still looking for new peeps and corps! Join us :slight_smile:

Looking for new peeps to join the Imperium and SHADOW!

Still recruiting!

Looking for more peeps to join our ranks!

Bump! Still looking for corps and peeps!

Bump! We still looking for peeps!

Bump! Looking for peeps!



Returning noob here who has never lived in nulsec.
Whats your AUTZ presence like? Also are there mandatory CTA’S?
RL currently makes my playtime eratic and I wont always be able to participate at specific times.

Hey hey! We are heavy on both time zones. We always have approach that RL is more important then EVE.

Bump! We still looking for new peeps!

We still recruiting!

Still looking for new members! Fly with us, be part of the SHADO family!

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