The Church of Space Piracy is opening the way for newbros to live in nullsec!

O, Sacred Booty of the Stars, our cosmic treasure grand,
In the celestial church of space, we pledge our hearts and hand,
Thou art the divine beacon bright, amidst the void’s embrace,
The holy grail of stardust pure, we seek thy blessed grace.

With stars as candles burning high in our galactic nave,
We chant our hymns of piracy, and seek what thou canst save,
For in thy gleaming, astral chest, lies heaven’s grand reward,
A testament to our divine, celestial pirate horde.

Beneath the cross of asteroids and moonlit nebulae,
We sail the darkened, endless void to find thy sanctity.
O Booty, holy and revered, in ships of cosmic might,
We navigate the starry seas, guided by thy light.

O, Space Booty, sacred source of celestial delight,
Thy riches are our spiritual food, our guide in darkest night,
In cosmic sermons, we extol thy glittering, blessed form,
For in thy wealth we find our creed, our purpose to transform.

Our altars are the meteor fields, our prayers the stellar charts,
We worship ‘neath the nebula’s veil, with ardent, loyal hearts.
O Booty of the heavens vast, in star-strewn temples high,
We vow to seek thy holy troves ‘neath the ever-watchful sky.

As we traverse the cosmic sea and voyage through the stars,
May our faith in thee, O Booty dear, protect us from all scars.
Blessed be the pirate path we tread, the treasures we pursue,
For in the grand celestial vault, our worship’s ever true.

O, Divine Space Booty, shine with everlasting grace,
May we ever follow thee, in every starry place,
And when our quest is finally done, with riches we shall stay,
In the celestial pirate’s realm, where holy treasures lay.

-The Book of Booty

The Church of Space Piracy is seeking booty-lovers who want to get rich through the spoils of conflict.

We currently have openings for the following positions:

-Pirate Combat Specialists
-Pirate Explorers
-Pirate Booty Haulers

Benefits of membership:
-Opportunities to advance in rank
-No tax
-No mandatory ops or infringements on your RL schedule
-Full loss coverage in alliance/coalition fleets
-Free ships for corp fleets
-Free starter PVE and Exploration ships for newbros

DM Cattraknoff for inquiries ingame. cattraknoff on Discord.

We are still recruiting.

Join if you love booty. Yarrrr!

Yarrrrrr! Avast ye scurvy carebears!

Looking for explorers. Handing out free ships to get the booty!

The Church of Space Piracy is recruiting!

Please stop calling it Booty that’s not what that means.

No one wants to join a corp if you have to get it on with the membership

The word belonged to pirates before it belonged to anyone else matey! I’m taking it back!

That’s not all you’re taking, Winkety Wink :wink:

yarrrr we still be recruitin’ mateys!

Yarrrrrr! Avast ye scurvy carebears!

We’re growing at a good pace and looking for more recruits! Yarrrrr!

Join us for the love of sacred space booty!