Why should I renew my subscription?

You keep posting no matter how low effort. Why bother?

@ JC and Nana:

Ive left the pieces where they were to weather the winter, and “soak up” all the ambience possible. I will post an update vid to that channel near the end of this month to show them in a winter setting here on the coastline. Finland is beautiful in February.

Thank you, both, for you’re feedback.


You’re up to a 3/10 now. See, decent trolling draws me in a bit first. Get a few kills on this character. Join some corps so you have a history. Look semi-legitimate, then when you troll, people will think you might be serious and not just a…well, bored forum alt. Next time actually talk to me about the game a bit first, engage me back and forth for a day or two before trolling.

With a bit more effort you could actually do a decent job in threads like this. Honestly, I’m disappointed, but hopeful we can make someone decent out of you yet.


Actually it was the exact wording used by Ima. Which you said was hypocritical. Glad to see that you recognize you were wrong.

Unless you are in a very small minority, particulars of a situation effect your normative judgments. Ontological differences, when relevant, between worlds are particulars that change judgments. So Ima is not a hypocrite because the existence of injectors constitutes a relevant ontological difference.

A less cerebral articulation:
A pregnancy could cause health risks for my wife.I tell my wife we should not get pregnant.

She gets pregnant despite precautions

I would not be a hypocrite for not demanding an abortion.

A world without baby is a (relevantly) different world, thus my normative claims should only track the particulars of this new world

So she DID say she hated it?
Well then, my post stands un-remanded then.

And then you proceed to present a non-EVE example involving something so normatively complicated as abortion.


Hypocrisy is when you say you believe one thing, and yet do its contrary. In this case, Ima disagreed with inception of SP trade, yet build her SP farm on them, thus leading to this conclusion on her part of whether she wants/needs to sub anymore. She did and does, despite STILL disagreeing with the change, exploits it just as anyone that agreed with it would.


Well then, you are back to not understanding the definitions of (English) words.

Non sequitur

Stomp your feet and plug your ears all you want. Your definition is incomplete as I have already shown how and why.

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Pretense is the word that stands out for me in defining Hypocrisy.
Because it is the basis of the action being forwarded.

With that said,I don’t believe Ima’s actions were from that basis. Meaning founded on pretense.

Perhaps more of a necessary.

I don’t enjoy paying taxes yet I endure doing it because its a necessary to function.

In this (Ima’s) case the necessary is to be competitive on a perceived equal footing or to maintain equality as things change over time. In that sense its the same as enduring something you don’t agree with 100%.
Sometimes having to endure something you don’t agree with can get outweighed by a breaking threshold that is self determined or even predetermined by one’s values.

Why should I renew my subscription if I no longer value the payoff? In the pursuit find even less value by my undermined values.

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Why should I renew my subscription?

I wouldn’t until after seeing what this years Fanfest mentions regarding Eve.

If it is as awful as last years regarding our favourite game then CCP may as well pack up shop.


Imo its very unlikely that CCP will roll-back the SP related changes in the game.
If anything, they will probably expand on SP/PLEX microtransactions with other players/NES/Eve store.

That genie is out of the bottle, and redacting it would be seen as unfair either to players that built SP farms already, or to those that have not yet done so (but will), depending on the change. So CCP is damned if they do, damned if they dont.

Afaik, the player stargates are still on the roadmap. Its just taking longer than anyone expected, even considering CCPs nominal glacial pace.

When/if it arrives, nobody knows what impact it will have.
For all we know, it could be an absolute disaster.

As to CCP giving more precise info on their plans, they have always been loathe to do so. It restricts their flexibility, raises undue expectations on players, and sometimes can lead to players exploiting current game in anticipation of an impending change.

I dont expect much change from CCP on that either.

Those seemed to be Ima’s three primary criteria for re-subbing.
I dont think any of them will be fulfilled to her satisfaction any time soon™.

This thread is dying. We can see two-poster battle. CCP Falcon will come soon to put the last dot!

Thread is done anyways.

OP already decided not to sub.

Have they? I must have missed that.

It might if have something to do with this.

I have acquiesced to this end. The 400 useless post did nothing in leading to a determination for the question ask by the OP.

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Yeah Ima said she wont be re-subbing.
Its somewhere up there.

Ima, I am curious.

Did you renew? It is 11 days since you started this thread so you have, in essence, completed your answer.


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I used a PLEX for now, still unsure. Maybe I will after fanfest, if they give me a good reason.

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What if SP farms had not been made possible?
Would your decision at this point have been different?

As I said, the extractor stuff added to the overall picture of CCP over-monetizing the game, but it is not the reason I asked the question in the op.

Since the PLEX I use currently comes from a stash of PLEXes I already own I don’t use an SP farm to sub my main.

So the answer is: No

But you do have an SP farm, correct?

What do you currently do with it, if anything?

The SP farm consists of multiple suicide gank and support alts with limited SP requirements and is used to reduce their PLEX costs for years. Nothing changes there.

But you now no longer PLEX them?

You said you have now only PLEXed your main.