WTS Cormacks and Seteles Mods

buy my junk, im tired of bumping it

stiiiiiiiilllllll avvavilaivialvaailvliail… available.

type something here because the system gets mad if i type something too similar as to before. aka, still for sale.

once upon a time i had crap for sale

buy me

and up to indicate i still have things to sell

these lovely items still available


UP. Buy orders on EANM in Jita are up to 47b! Get these before they go higher!


stock updated! FOAR SALE

UP for sale

and still for sale

post is old, prices are a little out of date, too lazy to change them… make an offer.

updated with whats for sale.

buy me.

Would you take 3b for the passive set?

No, sorry. Id do 4b though.

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