WTS HEL and Aeon super carrier

23.5B ISK for the Hel.

24b for the Hel

Current leading bids
Hel Josh Arsten 24 bill
Aeon Sodastreammax 32.5 bill

24.5B for Hel.

25B for the Hel

35 aeon 25 hel

35.5b aeon 25.5 hel

Closing in 24 hours
I am away on a work trip so eve access is limited

Sodastreammax has highest bids so far for both

36 aeon

Elena X 36 bill for aeon
And soda with 25.5 bill
Two highest bids with under 12 hours remaining

26b for the hel

36.5B for the Aeon, also sent you an ingame message

1 hour left
Soda in the lead at 36.5 B for the Aeon
Josh in the lead for the Hel at 26 bill

Auction is now closed
Sodastreammax at 36.5 bill for the aeon

Josh Arsten 26 bill for the hel

Contracts out
If contracts expire the ships will be placed up for auction again .

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