WTS high end/nice abyssal mods

β€” bumppp

Up we go. get some really nice abyssals

to the top



to the top we go

o7 How about
for 450m? Im back~~~

The lowest I can go on that is 550mil, Sorry for the late response

Bump aswell

My apologies. I must regretfully retract my offer.

Still for sale

Get your new shiny abyssal mod here

still for sale

Taking bids. Really great abyssal mods still for sale.

ArcAngel Uriel’s X-Large Abyssal Shield Booster - Abyssal Market (mutaplasmid.space)

Taking bids

mine is greater! just joking nice roll gl it is also a good idea to sell here Discord o7

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Some sold - updated list

taking bids gentlemen.

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