Sold - please close


Harpy looking a new home, currently located 3 jumps from Jita in 0.9.

B/O 400b, open for offers

200b offer

250 b/o valid 24h

251b b/o

255 bil

256 bil

260 bil


I’ve sent you eve mail with some trade options too.

265 bil

266b, could you post a b/o?

267 bil

@Yquaz I don’t have any in mind yet. I’s been just 2 hours sine this post is up. I was planning to let it run for a few days actually, maybe until the weekend.

@Yquaz I am not intrested in any trades, I updated the top post.


270 bil

300b offer.

310 bil

320 bil

daily bump

325 bil

to the sky