WTS Vangel Price Reduced

50 mil

Thank you for the free bump

Would you do a caedes and 70b?

I’ll do caedes plus 90b

Ahi only have 70b liqued unless you want me to chuck in a officer mod or two

Depends on the mods

Draclira’s Modified Armor Kinetic Hardener 1.5 b
Raysere’s Modified Energized Kinetic Membrane 900 mill
Estamel’s Modified EM Ward Field 5 b
Gotan’s Modified Heavy Warp Scrambler 7 b will give you all of these a caedes and 60b liqued for your vangel

65m buyout.

I’ll pass on that offer

pm me in game

Mail sent in game


Thanks for offer but as per the mail I replied to you, price above is firm or equivalent trade

Still for Sale

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