Standing just shy of 183 cm (around 6’) but as gaunt as a windego, his shape is fast, but not quick, using acceleration to his advantage. With speed and dedication such as his, he can be hard to stop or slow down once he picks up momentum.
His attire circulates frequently but often stays on the functional side of the spectrum with only a few personal touches to each outfit. The only constant touch is a blue ribbon worn over his right shoulder, which has seen augmentation to his arm from before his body was cloned.
Seeking to understand the world, having come from a mixed empirical colony far from High Sec, he desires to understand the past and its relevance to the present. He finds himself at odds with his beliefs and what the world often proves in spite of them.
He does remain steadfast in his belief of his Virtues, guiding ideals, but every other count leaves him battered. He is no less curious for his trials, but he can become tired, frazzled, and occasionally erratic when he can’t solve a conflict between what he believes and whatever it is that comes his way next.
When not battling his own inner daemons he seeks volunteer work with the Arataka Research Consortium as an extra set of hand for whatever they need.
“I come from a place of ignorance, despite having heritage to the State, Federation, Empire, and even the Republic. I thought my own world, my home was fantastical enough, given the history. But this… this world is far greater. And that I don’t know all its secrets means I have some catching up to do.”
- Mahazkei “Maha” Vas’Hiigara, interview with Dr Ken Zirud
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