

Amarr Citizen Registry

Name: Lilith Andromeda Terranova
DOB: 18 August YC ██
Height: 158 cm (5’1")
Weight: 45kg (100 lbs)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Red (Ocular implants)
Affiliation: Ministry of Internal Order
Citizenship Status: Holder

Personality Assessment: Antisocial and taciturn, Lilly has been described by those who have worked for her as “icy” and “detached.” She has also, however, been observed to value politeness and etiquette in her dealings with her peers, and while she remains somewhat awkward, she is generally polite unless she feels she has reason to be otherwise. Neurological damage sustained prior to or during capsuleer implantation has impacted Lilly’s ability to speak, leaving her voice almost completely without inflection and contributing tremendously to her apparent lack of social grace. While Lilly has spent much of her capsuleer career working for the Ministry of Internal Order, she has shifted her focus almost exclusively to dealing with the emergent threats of the Nation, the Drifters, and more recently, the Triglavians. Her openly disdainful view of the cluster’s organized systems of government and belief has become more pronounced in consequence of the partisan response to these threats. MIO ORDER 768619-P - Psychological testing ordered (attached).

MIO Psychological Profile: REDACTED