52 mil SP subcap pilot LF corp for (mostly) late night fun

Hey @Anikan_Fernardo

Welcome back to EVE!

Are you interested in living in lowsec? We at Filthy Peasants are most active in the US TZ especially around the time you said your most active. We’re a relaxed lowsec PvP corp that runs our own alliance in the Solitude region. Our goal is dominate our area to seek out and attract fun fights with anyone who is around. We also roam through 0.0 and the occasional WH excursion in the search for targets.

If your looking for more than just pvp we also do moon mining and t2/capital industry in the general area. If you’re looking for a fun corp without any activity requirements check us out here:

If you’re interested feel free to convo Arctanis in game or join our public channel Open Filth