Looking for UK/ EU corp

We aren’t a UK corp, we are a multi-TZ organization. However, we have LOTS of EUTZ players! :star_struck:

Unfortunately, we can’t provide this as we live in non-FW LOWSEC (i.e. BEST SEC) :thinking:

How about an entire ALLIANCE of the most villainous and cutthroat PIRATE’s in all of New Eden! That’s right, those dastardly Darwinism bois of KHANID LOWSEC are looking for YOU! :skull_and_crossbones: :dizzy_face: :skull_and_crossbones:

If you’re interested in LOWSEC roams and 0.0 pokes (Querious and Delve predominantly), come on out! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: