Noob lf 1st Corp EU

Hi there Ceres,
Welcome to EVE, she is a tough mistress, but the pay back is GREAT!

Let me introduce you to EVIL TURTLES.

we are a small corporation specializing in help those new to the game, or returning, an opportunity to learn all the aspects of the game - from wormholes to null - Mining to Missioning - Industry to dieing with honour!

We do full induction, in fact, have a look at this link

(please don’t pause and read, drop by the public channel, say hello we’ll give you the link)

It will tell you where we are, what we do, and more importantly, why I’m here speaking to you!

We are completely open from finances to our corporation goals.

If its something you’d like to know more about, drop by our public channel in game (in your corp channel there is a little speech bubble in the top left, click on that and type in EVIL TURTLES and say hello)

Good luck in EvE which ever way you go!


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