WTB Excel or Google Sheet that will help manage my market order info

Hello, I have an old excel sheet that has a few items on it. It tracks Buy, Sell, and a few other peaces of info. It was running on eve-central. It’s no longer working. I am looking for an updated version. It can run in excel or google sheets. Willing to pay for a premade sheet. Convo me in game if you can help.


J Twitch

@J_Twitch Hi there, I don’t know if you have checked out the EVE-central.com website but there is a reason for you not being able to pull data from the API. As per their website their server have died and are in process of finding/building a new one that better can handle the bandwith requirements. Until it is back up and running you would have to either find another site to pull your data from or pull it straight from CREST, which can be quite annoying as you can’t pull it like you can from EVE-cental’s API.

as an alternative you could try and look at EVE-market

Maybe interested in something a bit more advanced than a spreadsheet? https://evernus.com/

JEveAssets does this.

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