[0.0 sov / All TZ] Do you want to be Trillian Space Rich? Join us right now! Shining Ships await you [ PVP/Ratting/Mining ]

We were quite rich in the past - but now things got quite a bit better!

We are moving to new space around Tenerifis - with more moons, more rats, easier to defend from drops and less jumps to PvP. Which means even more ISK and fun per hour! (Some say double)

Now is the best time to join Iron Whales !

Often the most wanted things in life are the ones out of reach…

Today it’s Iron Whales. You can’t get in this week, as we are running Jump Freighters day and night to haul all our shiny ships to new home.

We might reopen recruiting next week, so keep your tabs on us and you might be among the first to embrace unimaginable riches of yet uncontested space.

Moveups are coming to an end, so it is time to start polishing your application! Recruitment is about to be opened as we start to dig into virgin moons and anomalies in new space!

Are you interested in making history, again? Do you love PvP? Come talk to us!