140m SP seeking activity between 00:00-11:00

140m SP seeking to find low sec corporation with primary or EXTREMELY high activity between 00:00 to 11:00. Piracy and lvl 5 missions preferred but for just the right group I could be convinced otherwise. Active voice comms in these hours is required!!!

Have been given the runaround over my on and off 20 years of playing Eve. Many times promised activity in my time slot just to end up solo. Looking for that corp that fits like the perfect glove and taking my time in finding it. As it is I have one of the longest corp histories some recruiters have ever seen and want to put a stop to it. Hoping to put the last entry in to my corp history once and for all.

What I am looking for is a sociable group with regular fleets and high activity in my primary play time. As mentioned, I am mostly just tired of playing alone for most of my logged in time, but also not much for being an F1 monkey. More interested in small gang and piracy activities as far as PvP is concerned and lvl 5 missions and homefronts are of interest because they are highly underutilized content for me that I don’t know a lot about and looking to

Primarily a subcap combat pilot with carrier, T2 fighters and dread trained. Also have T2 crystal trained mining alt account and a 3rd nestor and logi trained account. currently my alt accounts are not subbed but all together they are designed for 2 nestors and a leshak (or insert other armor boat here)

Sarcastic and have no filter. If this does not work for you, then I am probably not a fit. This said I do like to keep it drama free and not easily offended. Very much of the if you can’t take it, don’t dish it out mindset.

Not much for lots of rules , if you care about your killboard I ain’t it. If I feel like taking a marauder or carrier in the middle of FW space for laughs, I have and I will again.

Hay buddy my corp has a few tz you could try your luck am uktz but we do have ustz and some autz i can’t promise its to be mega busy but we own are own sov and have a system set-up for ratting and same with minig so plenty of isk… if you fancy a chat jump on our discord and say hi

REJECT BLOB, WORSHIP BOB :skull_and_crossbones: ALLTZ :skull_and_crossbones: RAGE ROLL :skull_and_crossbones: WH/LS PIRATES :skull_and_crossbones: BOBVULT!!!