150 mil/sp Returning Player w/ 50 mil/sp Research/Manufacturing Alt Looking for a Home

Welcome back Jason!

We’re recruiting and are happy to have a chat with you.
One great thing about my corp is, we’ll never make you feel guilty for not logging in, but we’ll be happy to see you when you do.

We’re a fresh (but organized) corp that are part of an established 0.0 Alliance, whilst the corp is fresh, it’s made by mostly alliance members that wanted to fly under the same flag. And that’s what we enjoy, flying together. You won’t be hounded to join fleet constantly etc, we play to enjoy the game. The alliance we’re in is great and there’s constant fleets you can join if you want. Or there’s juicy Mercoxit and moons for you to mine if you prefer to take it easy for a bit. We’d love to see you on the battlefield with us. We’d help you get comfortable out here and answer any questions you may have.

Corp ad with a bit more info: Valgrind Vanguard - Reach Valhalla with us!

Come rat, pewpew and laugh with us on our way to Valhalla. Join our PUB chat Valgrind Vanguard if you want to have a chat. :smiley:

If not, I hope you find a place you feel happy, best of luck! o7