44m - returning pilot LF active corp

Hi Licio,


Take a moment and have a look at our add, maibe theres something up there that might raise your interest.Basically, we are a tight knit reformed group of Stain region residents involved in campaign for content, setted up in a target rich environment, with a very limited blue standings list and aiming to grow, control and overwhelm the infidels arround us.We don’t do politics,blobfests and blue donuts but we do love the salt and tears.If that kind of game play might be something that you are looking forward to experience, please reach out to me and we can setup a meeting.Below is our add and some contact details:

Hope to hear from you soon.


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Yamagata Syndicate want to expand our player base and gather a solid core of pilots to help bolster our place in Eve. We are a member of Triumvirate alliance based in the Insmother region.

YS is looking for people who will fit in to our corporation and form new friendships. We have a fairly relaxed and mature player base. We expect members to show respect to their fellow corporation and allied pilots, and have a general good attitude towards the eve community as a whole.

We offer:

★ Nullsec
★ Ship Replacement Program
★ Frequent PvP fleets
★ Blackops
★ Small fleet roams
★ Massive fleet battles
★ High end ratting and mining
★ Industrial support
★ A great community with experienced pilots willing to help


★ Maturity
★ Team player
★ Voice comms (Teamspeak)

In-game recruitment channel: Yamagata Syndicate
Discord recruitment channel: Discord Recruitment

Contacts: Nakito Kobara.

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Hey @Licio_Soares
FUN inc may have just what you need!
Come check us out!

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