4m-Corp - pure pvp corporation, no bears, no miners, no tears

Need more active members. pew first rest later ;o)

Need more pew pew folks join our pub … Vegans to

Need more sharp teeth to join fleet, pew pew only, and decent pvp experiense.

Are you our New Vegan pew guy/girl. join our pub.

Need more pew pew … Join our pub and have a chat.

Need more PvP ers join our pub for at chat

Need more active pvp ers … join our pub for a chat

Need more pew pew Nerds … Vegans to … dont be shy. we know about youre fighting abilities … join our pub. pew pew

Need more pew pew pilots join our pub for a chat

We need you for pew pew join our pub for a chat.

Need more pew pew guys … join our pub for a chat

Need more pvp minded people. join our pub. if youre a botter or a ratter join a chinese corp. ;o)

need more pew pew folks join our pub for at chat

pew pew need more duders … join our pub

join our pub if youre to Pew pew

pew pew … need more … join our pub

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